Burning of DC (on 8/24/1814

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by xX Pyro42 Xx, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. xX Pyro42 Xx

    xX Pyro42 Xx Ancient
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    This is a map I made for the Shell-Shocked challenge. I'm also posting it here because I designed it to be a playable map, and think its a pretty good CTF map in its own right.

    Download Version 1.2

    Version History:
    1.1: Fixed lag issue caused by fusion coils.
    1.2: Fixed Fusion Coils flying out into the center of map, added pics of gameplay

    The History:
    8/24/1814 is the date that British troops, under General Robert Ross, marched on Washington D.C with the intention of burning as much of it as possible.

    The only site of resistance was a house at the corner of Maryland Avenue, Constitution Avenue, and Second Street NE. This house was burned, and the soldiers moved on.

    The White House was their main target. When the warning reached the White House, the guests were just about to sit down to dinner. All guests were evacuated safely. Dolly Madison, instead of evacuating with the rest of the guests, stayed behind to rescue important documents, from her husband’s desk and assorted desks around his office. She also managed to save red velvet curtains found in the dining room. She managed to escape seconds before the British soldiers arrived. The soldiers found food set out on the table and the remaining courses in the kitchen. They ate what they found, and lit the White House on fire.

    The (Modified) Story:
    A squad of the First Lady’s bodyguards, after carrying out stacks of papers, missed her departure. Unaware that she was, in fact, safely away, they begin their fight to enter the burning White House and rescue any remaining staff and the Flag.

    They are operating out of a British supply dump that has been abandoned while the troops are looting the White House. The Union men find ammo for their revolvers and spare muskets. Thus armed, they begin their march on the White House.

    -:-:-:-Muskets: Shotguns
    -:-:-:-Revolvers: Magnums
    -:-:-:-Cutlasses: Energy Swords

    The gametype Burning of DC is required to play. It places a Flag in the correct position above the White House, and a CTF gametype makes competition fast paced and very bloody.

    There is a sniper on top of the White House, with few shots and a long respawn time, to simulate long range rifles. There is just the one, because equipment was being given to the Army from where it wasn't needed. The ammo dump spawns with a flamethrower and flame grenades, the torches troops were carrying to burn the city.

    The British Supply Dump
    The house where the Redcoats met coordinated resistance in the streets of DC.
    The White House Dining Room
    The Kitchen, complete with serving rack
    1814's answer to the Oval Office
    Outer Offices
    View of the Exterior of the White House
    Lying in Wait
    I possess the Red Flag. I have seen the top of the Mountain! I regret nothing!
    Jumping down on unsuspecting Blues.
    That Flag is mine.
    No it isn't.
    You were saying?
    Flag Capture FTW
  2. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    Is this a submission for shell-shocked?
  3. xX Pyro42 Xx

    xX Pyro42 Xx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I put it into both places, seeing as I already had a post ready. Its still a fully playable map, so I saw no reason to not put it here.
  4. mackmack

    mackmack Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks good. how long did it take you?
  5. xX Pyro42 Xx

    xX Pyro42 Xx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Four or five hours.

    And version 1.1 will be up momentarily.
  6. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a good entry for the shell-shocked competition. Nice job on linking together the history behind the event too. I'll have to compare your entry to the others out there. Good work though.
  7. GMAN9220

    GMAN9220 Ancient
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    they did not have revolvers in 1812

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