I'm working up a nice collection of computer games, right now I have Marathon Infinity, Durundal, and the first one. I also have Halo, Oni happy, GTA: SA (Vice city sucks on computer), and Need for Speed: Underground. Oh, and my favorite: Marble Blast Gold. What else should I get?
a total war game, but as for which one, they are all fun I have rome but it gets annoying since the best ones are the romans but after awhile all the senate tells you to do is kill your leader. shogun was always fun, especially watching assassinations medieval is ok, ive only played it a few times so im not sure
Crysis, Age of Empires Three and expansion, and thats all I can think off from the top of my head. It mostly depends on what you like.
mmk, I'll look some of these up. I just remembered that COD4 is coming out on the computer this month.
you know i really like the early hitman games old but still fun C and C generals is good and far cry However if you v=can get access to nasa or bill gates house you might find a pc that will run crysis which looks beyond amazing It takes the piss how cheap pc games are I saw bioshock new and in the tin for £15 it was £20 on 360 and wasn't in the tin
CoD4 has been out on the computer forever, and it kinda sucks on the computer. Get UT 99, best shooter ever.
Actually you don't need to steal a computer from Bill Gates to run it. There are two laptops that are able to run it at my local Best Buy. There are also about five desktop computers that could run it too. Sure they cost a little over 1000 dollars, but when you think about it, you're getting a better deal because you won't have a piece of crap for a computer three months after you buy it. They rotate their computers in and out every three months because they aren't worth buying anymore. It's just like getting a computer at Wal-Mart. They sell those because they are the cheapest models that people can afford. I recommend saving up 1000 dollars just to go buy a high rated laptop. That way after a year they won't be obsolete. I can't even play any good games on my laptop let alone have it run two programs properly at the same time...
thanks juggernaught i was being a little sarcastic but you are right i have every intention of buying a new desktop to fun crysis on full spec as soon as bluray writers come down a bit btu what really takes the piss is i bet those same spec computers that are a $1000{£500 ish} are a £1000
Um, what? I've played every version of the game (sans mobile and handheld versions), and the PC version is easily the best. I've also got quite a few friends who agree with me (console buffs included), so I'm afraid you're very wrong. Anyways, Team Fortress 2, FarCry, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., anything Half-Life, Battlefield 2.
Yeah. You must be new to PC games, because this is common knowledge by now! Most FPSes on the Xbox and Xbox 360 are actually PC games that have been ported over. And most are inferior to their PC brethren. Not all, but most. Especially since you can mod and customize the hell out of PC games.
No, But I just now got a computer thats not old as hell, which means I can actually play games. Team Fortress 2 is for PC, and nobody has ported it over... I really don't feel like bootcamping (using mac and windows on my macbook) or using my old PC anymore. I guess I should just buy orange box.
EVERYONE should buy the orange box its worth it for portal alone and playing half life 2 again which is one of the best games ever and for a low spec pc you can't go wrong with dawn of war
Warcraft series (same universe as WoW but it isn't WoW) You could do WoW but I wouldn't. You'll be addicted for quite a while. I know. I've just recently gotten away from it.