Soccer V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by mushman101, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. mushman101

    mushman101 Ancient
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    Soccer V2
    Created by: myself (AKA l SilenceMmk l)
    Download links:
    Map Variant: Soccer V2
    Game Variant: FIFA Street
    Players:2-10 (5v5 at most)

    Soccer V2 was a map that I made after playing TNT Polo. I was greatly inspired by the game, and I really had nothing else to do at the time. The arena is made for two teams of five only and has a few special features. The arena is about the size of 7 short boxes, but slightly smaller due to merging. The scoring system is put together in the same way TNT Polo is. If you go down the goal before you score you will just be teleported. Once you score with the soccer ball listen for the sound of a turret breaking and then head down the goal and plant the bomb. The map features an auto ball return system for those people who just want to play without worrying about scoring. The ball may occasionally get caught on the bomb spawn and planting spots, but for the most part it doesn't. Now it's picture time:​

    Yellow teams goal (They defend it):

    Red teams goal (They defend):

    One of the goals (That balls a little close....):

    The ball return in action:

    Sword or SMG, who will win:

    Playing some goalie:

    The Bomb spawn and placement spot:

    To whoever plays, I hope you enjoy it. Please leave some comments on how I could make the map better, and the gametype as well. Enjoy!
    #1 mushman101, Aug 17, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008
  2. fergfighter

    fergfighter Ancient
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    good map i liked the return
    system but how does the
    scoring system work
    = )
    ps: first whoopwhoopwuwhoopwhuwhoop
  3. mushman101

    mushman101 Ancient
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    The scoring system is just like an assualt game. You'll notice that if you go down the goal your attacking before you get the ball through you just get teleported. Well as soon as you score with the ball, the teleporter gets blocked and you can then go down the goal and arm the bomb. You should end up pretty close to where the bomb is when you go down the goal.
    Smeagle likes this.
  4. Null17

    Null17 Ancient
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    Well, you've created a soccer game without honor rules. And it looks good. How does the bomb return work, that is, if the ball is blocking the teleporter, how long do you have to get through and arm the bomb before it unblocks?

    Does that make sense?
  5. mushman101

    mushman101 Ancient
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    I think I kind of get what your saying, but it's not the ball that blocks the teleporter. There's a turret down where the ball goes through to get to the ball return, and the ball breaks that turret causing another to spawn over the teleporter. That's what blocks the teleporter. There's a total of 10 rounds, and one score of the bomb wins the round.
  6. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Looks like a new type of soccer, and the field is so clean, especially with your new goals, i like em :)
  7. Null17

    Null17 Ancient
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    Ok, I gotcha. Nevermind. Thanks for the clarification,.
  8. mushman101

    mushman101 Ancient
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    Anything to help
  9. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    seems VERY similar to TNT Polo. doesnt it?
  10. stone0043

    stone0043 Ancient
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    what is your gametype like? you could make all players invincible, and mabye give the goalie grenades or rockets. although that mite make it to hard to score. good map rho, 1st soccer map i've seen that i actually want to dl. Good Job!
  11. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    this is one of the better FOOTBALL{not soccer americans} maps i have seen.The first thing i built in the forge was a FOOTBALL 5 a side map so i am glad to see one of this quailty and a well thought out scoring system as well the court is very neat and this should play well maybe a little on the small side but thats just me.Well done
    If this was your first map post kudos for getting it right so many people dont at least 2 today!

    maybe it is a little similar to tnt polo but there is nothing wrong with that I take inspiration from maps all the time
  12. TheSwamp015

    TheSwamp015 Ancient
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    AWESOME MAP!!, this looks like the very first soccer game that actually works good, im dl for sure, interlocking looks pretty good, great map
  13. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    looks retty cool, a lot of nterlocking was used, thats cool. the soccer ball system is also well madee, the goals looks a little sloopy, but so what. nice job my friend.
  14. Black C4t

    Black C4t Ancient
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    Great map its probably the best soccer map ive seen lately.
    Keep up the good work on forgehub 5/5 of its class
  15. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    this is the first soccer map where its possible to keep score
    great job, i like this better than tnt polo
  16. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    Wow, this soccer map is actually well forged! Reminds me of TNT Polo.
  17. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Cool map 5/5, i have never seen such an improved soccer. Also very creative, ball return is great, Nice interlocking 5/5.
  18. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this is a nice game and also i like football on halo so good well made but do you respawn with the gun or energy swords cause energy are better
  19. mushman101

    mushman101 Ancient
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    Hopefully I can answer everyones questions with this reply. Yes it's very similar to TNT Polo because I got the inspiration from TNT Polo, I even say so in the post. You start off with both energy sword and SMG. The gametype has everyone being invincible, save for assasinations, with 10 second respawns. The jump and speed are close to the same, but speed is at like 90% I believe. Yeah I realize I didn't get the goals perfectly, but I tried my best, and thanks for the positive feedback from everyone.
  20. haseoice

    haseoice Ancient
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    i think you should make the reciever nodes into the boxes, like what people do for a tele-door. you basically just interlock a teleporter into the box but it has to be fairly close the the top of the box. if this doesnt help you then too bad. 4.5/5 cause u should have that teleporter thingy

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