5 Quick n' Easy Tips for Respawn Point Placement

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by JJ3672, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    This is my first guide (well, it might actually be considered a miniguide), so give me feedback and tell me what you think. + rep me if it's helpful...

    Now, I know people have made advanced respawn guides before explaining the system and all, but I haven't seen much telling forgers exactly where to put respawn points. As respawn points can make or break the gameplay on a map, I think it rather important.

    Therefore, I present the following 5 easy tips for respawn point placement...

    1. Never place a respawn point directly facing a wall or box.

    Players don't like to be disoriented when they spawn, and there's nothing more confusing than to spawn with six inches of concrete 3 feet from your face. Instead, give players a decent view of the map when they spawn, so that they may help out teammates or strategize in some other way.

    2. Never place a respawn point too far away from cover.

    Yes, bungie, that means that putting respawn points in top-center of Guardian was a bad idea. Players like to feel relatively secure when they spawn, and there's nothing worse than having to run for one's life after having already been killed less than five seconds ago.

    This is especially true in maps with snipers and lasers, as the game doesn't know if there will be a crosshair pointed at your head or not when you respawn. The number one complaint in shotty snipers games is spawn killing, and bad respawn placement takes most of the blame.

    3. Never place a respawn point in a sniper tower or some other rewarding position.

    90% of the time it is your fault when you die. Therefore, there is no reason to reward dead players by giving them 12 free sniper ammo and a prime location to be shooting from. Players should never spawn right on top of a power weapon (imagine spawing on the rocket platform on Epitaph) or powerup (what if the team was saving that OS?).

    4. Always place respawn points in a variety of places around the map (utilizing team-designations as necessary).

    In addition to helping prevent spawn camping, this also spreads the combat around the map so that lesser used portions of the map will see more fighting. Or, conversely, respawn points can divert combat away from areas where the map creator doesn't want it to be (for example, bungie diverted fighting away from the back beach on last resort).

    Remember to use team designations as necessary when placing respawn points. There should be no way for attackers to spawn inside the defender base and vice-versa. However, there should always be neutral points in the relative center of the map where both teams can spawn, thereby giving an advantage to the aggressor who pushes into enemy territory. Neutral spawn points also provide an escape if one team intends to camp inside the other team's base and spawn-kill (the victims will spawn in the center and have an opportunity to take their base back).

    5. In a map intended to be playable for both FFA and team games, use only one starting point for each side.

    Yea, this is about starting points rather than respawn points, but important nevertheless. If you place multiple starting points for both sides, there will be players in FFA games spawning next to each other for insta-assassinations. Placing one starting point per side remedies the problem by allowing all players after the first two to spawn in random respawn points around the map (as far away from others as possible) for a FFA game.

    In a team game, Red #1 will spawn in the starting point while Red #2/#3/#4/and so on will spawn in respawn points as close to the staring point as possible. Therefore, surround each side's starting point with respawn points to prevent teammates from starting the game too far away from one another.

    Thanks for reading...tell me what you think.
    #1 JJ3672, Aug 8, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2008
    halo kid and redearth like this.
  2. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I like the guide. I already knew most of this stuff, but I didn't think fo the starting spawn idea. Maybe give a guide on where to use spawn territories next. Good job.
  3. browniekillyou

    browniekillyou Ancient

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    this will definatly help the noobs
  4. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    Nice guide. Simple, clear and easy to understand.
    It will help many.
  5. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Very clear guide, this will help alot of people with the respawn point placement.
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Nice guide. You may also want to include that each team should have the same number of spawn points and if you want to go as far as starting points, make them the same distance from power weapons.
  7. keyonte0

    keyonte0 Ancient
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    The best way to find good spawn points is to test them
  8. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Great guide! You should also add spawns in objective games to help people out too... Great guide though and I'm sure this will help a ton of people!
  9. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Don't yell at me for necroposting, I was away for a week and didn't get a chance to respond to my own thread.


    Thanks, but I'm not making a guide on respawn areas based simply on the fact that I don't like them. They tend to make players spawn in the same areas all the time (hence the name), and I've found that they create more spawn-related issues than they alleviate.




    Yea, but the former is rather obvious, and the latter has been mentioned in at least 5 different weapon placement guides.

    True, but these tips should be followed before testing to ensure a smooth testing session. Respawn points may then be tweaked after testing to the forger's liking.

    Respawn points are the same for all gametypes, but can change between symmetrical and asymettrical games. Whether you ought to have a different set of respawn points for sym and asym depends on your map.

    If you'd like to see an example of respawn point placement catered to both symmetrical and asymmetrical games, check out my map Enigma (in my sig).
  10. drak

    drak Ancient
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    nice guide, very nicely said, simply, and to the point....i will be using this guide for a while, thanks!
  11. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    i would like to add that respawn points are like good manners they cost you nothing but make you everything
    meaning that respawn points cost nothing and if you look at the oringinal maps they always use 50-60 so put a lot in your map to reduce and hopefully eliminate spawn killing
    The guide is useful{not to me sorry} + rep for you JJ

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