Arena Football

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Null17, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. Null17

    Null17 Ancient
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    The Original Football, Re-imagined


    Anyone play football, back in the days before Griffball? Well, as fun as Griffball can be, its not perfect, and I've thought multiple times, "I actually think I like football more."

    If you haven't played it, basically what football is (in Halo 3) is a neutral bomb game. I originally played it on Sandtrap, but this is set in Foundry, hence the "Arena" part. A precursor to Griffball (yes, football came first), football centers only around the use of swords. A neutral bomb is planted in the center, and each team tries to run it into the other teams "endzone", which is a series of 5 adjacent bomb-plant sites, flanked by "A" signs on one end, and "B" signs on the other, as Goal posts (they were radio towers on Sandtrap).

    How is this different from Griffball? Swords only is the main difference, and there is a wider endzone. Aside from that, very little. But those are actually huge. Swords require more skill, not just who strikes at the right time. They also make it virtually IMPOSSIBLE to accidentally betray a team-mate, and harder to intentionally. A good team can tied up the other team in sword clashes and distract them from the speedy ball carrier. Getting the ball in the opening charge is as hard as in Griffball, but no betraying half of your own team trying to kill the other team.

    NO, I didn't invent football. I played it with some friends from school, and have no idea who made it. I've simply re-done it in Foundry, for neatness.

    I did use Griffball's perfect wall.

    Oh, basically, everyone is 110% speed, I believe ball carrier is about 150% (I think....maybe more). Instant plants and detonations. No shields, cept carrier (they're pointless anyways). Thats the most important stuff.

    Picture time!!

    "A" Endzone


    "B" Endzone




    It's a ton of fun to play with friends, and I enjoy it more than Griffball.

    Download if you like, ask questions, and give plenty of feedback. If there are errors, let me know. Consider this a, oh, 0.9 version. A bit of a test. It's simple enough I doubt there's much that could be wrong, but who knows.

    And no comments of, "Dude, u juts copyd Grifbal." Seriously. I explained that. Up there. ^^^

    Download Arena Football

    Download Football Gametype
    #1 Null17, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2008
  2. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    i know its not grifball
    but this screams grifball at me
    it seems very simple and could take 3 minutes to make if you use the blocked off canvas
  3. Null17

    Null17 Ancient
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    *SIGH* no, it didn't take long. If you played the original football, it's actually funner than Grifball (in my opinion). Hammers are too powerful. And being betrayed SUCKS.
  4. zeusthegoose365

    zeusthegoose365 Ancient
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    Looks, and plays, pretty much like Grifball except that there is more bomb detonation points and just energy swords. I've seen many other Foootball arenas so i'll just give you a 3/5 for thought

    P.S., FUNNER is not a word
  5. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    i agree, to much griffball is being yelled in my head. and it doesnt look very.... worked on.2/5
  6. Null17

    Null17 Ancient
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    I had though I had explained that. No, I didn't have to do much on it. It's for gameplay. It seems like everyone has gotten so into proclaiming a standard of excellence that no one simply wants to play something just to play it. TRY it, see if it's fun.

    Seriously, every response is: "Well, its so simple, you did nothing." I freaking KNOW I did nothing. I never said I did. I simply enjoy it more than Griffball, because I think hammers are too powerful, and Swords, the funner weapon in my opinion, are never used.
    #6 Null17, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008
  7. mista bob101

    mista bob101 Ancient
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    congradulations null. it took guts to post this. i always thought hammers were to powerful in grifball to, so i love the idea. 4/5 but no download. sorry
  8. Null17

    Null17 Ancient
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    I'll say it again--football came WAY before Griffball, to those who are comparing. If football had been a featured playlist, and I came up with Griffball (under a different name) and was the first to do so, you'd be comparing IT to football. See my point?

    Seriously? You're nitpicking at grammer? Funner

    What were you saying?
  9. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    Kewl, i get what your saying you just wanted to show people football because you think it's better, i think it's great.

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