UPRISE A CTF map 1-8 players per team A small map with non stop action. Uprise : http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=25691215&postRepeater1-p=1#25813152 (map) Rise up : http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=51665754 (game type) pics! Red team spawn Blue team spawn Overview Here are some action shots! Killtrastrophe Blue team - MOVE OUT!! Protect the Flag!! I'm movin in boys! Triple laser I hope u enjoy my map! Uprise : http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=25691215&postRepeater1-p=1#25813152 (map) Rise up : http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=51665754 (game type)
minus your choice in weapons, i really like this map. its pretty sweet looking. maybe a little devoid of cover, but im gonna test it out.
Ctf Looks Very Promising On This Map . Ill Check It Out But It Seems Like Ive Seen Parts Of This Map Somewhere Before. Idk Ill Check It Out Cause Its Head On Ctf Action Nowhere To Go .
Wow! Just WOW! Looks perfect, and gameplay may actually be great! The only negative is the horrible weapon placement = ( I will certainly DL
this is a really nice map but i think that the spartan lazer is a bit over powering for a map like this i like the sniper thought also the wall courner bits i think is really good but it might be a bit open
That map is crazy! The amount of damage that goes on in this is amazing i played it with some friends and it gave us never ending fun! Seriously! You can get killtastrophes like in that pic but its not even set up! 5/5!
this brings back memories of Tunnel of Doom on snowbound. i'll dl as this looks like smthing crazy to do with freinds when ur bored. btw keep forging this is really well built
yay tunnelraid lol. seriously though thats exactly what this is execpt with snipers and lazers. this map looks pretty good but as far as spawing goes and trying to get the flag? it looks like getting the flag is kinda hard since its right in there spawn/
It's really small, but looks like it can have some HUGE epic battles. The Spartan Laser in the level might not be the best choice of weapons, but the bigger the battle, the better! (Or at least that's what I think) It's a great idea for CTF too, that would be intense. 5/5 Amazing map.