Oh, and before you say anything, Yes. I do know the WHOLE Monitor would be red if it was angry... :cry: Oops, forgot the confirmation linky: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Oh, and I'm sorry about the spawnpoints. I was tired last night and wanted to get the screenie... I'll try to get a better one today.
Actually, no... The Monitor fired the laser. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
A nice attempt, very effective, but the location ruins it. Foundry isn't exactly ideal for picture taking, and the tear drops throw it off as well. You should make a v2 to fix some things up.
It would really be cool if you did it on the upper level of construct and have the laser be killing a green masterchief.
oh i figured it out. lol i'm stuid. Good job though it took me a while. It looks pretty good but simple. I'm not that great at screenshots though so i won't judge (although I do)
Well, I did this accidently on Foundry, but I will try to do it somewhere else, and hopefully laser a Spartan. :happy:
So on this screenshot the forge is killing a guy with a laser .. Did you use the forge glitch so it can pick up weapons? I saw it on youtube Nice job though!