Hello forge Hub this is my sister's map called big doggie she ask me to put it on forge hub Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing here are some pictures
wow... I am speechless man. Its pretty good but Im just giving ya props for the fact you actually made this. LoL At least you didnt make it "poop" items out like other people do to their animals.
^the one that makes it poo i think you mean doggie buissness is one of the best maps ever and that really looks like a dog it is really good any way this one it is okay but it isn't playable it is like my map mydad not playable but it is okay either way
When I saw it on the homepage, I thought it would be infection or something but then I clicked and was like, " LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL " Great job for most random and good map EVER. 5/5
rolf copter this map is funny and well forged but doesnt really looks like a dog to me mabey if your sister interlocks it to smooth it over and use things besides boxes it would look better
ahha, i was reding the posts, i think the pooping thing is hilarious, yeah its not a abd map, kinda sloppy, and obviously gameplay lacks, its aesthenic, nto bad, big head.
Haha this is really cool and pretty funny too. I wish my sister made maps. I would take credit for all of them lol Great job 5/5 for sure
A gigantic matal dog... that you can play on! This looks pretty cool. Tell your "sister" she did a pretty good job. (If you ACTUALLY have a sister)
hehehehehhehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehhehehehehehehehe, thats a big doggie!!!! lol, its really nice-4.5/5, looks like a dog
Looks like a great map,tell your sister to keep it up , love it when chicks play, makes the game better =P, if you want to make it better, just give us a better description , great job though, 4.5/5