Hello ForgeHub This is my map called the 4 Generators it is a very simple map and it has 4 Generators in the middle of the map. I have tested this map with 25 of my freinds and there is no way out of this map also it does have Team slayer. Later on I will post a v2 of this map so it can have other game types and the reso why i cound not do them is because there where a few glitchs on the map so i will fix them in time. Here are some pictures Download link:Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
this is a n okay map but it is a bit boring also the last pic that area is way to open do more forging on that part
i know that but it is Way to easy to kill some one with the ghost add a bit more cover there to help the humans because it is needed
First impression: 3.5/5 aesthetics: 2.9/5 look of gameplay: 3.5/5 post: 3.2/5 overall: 3.3/5 if you have any questions, PM me
I like the ghost addition because most maps with them dont give you much space to glide around in one, but this one did. The asthetics weren't perfect, but okay. Besides that, everything else was okay, so pretty good job. 3.5/5