MLG map layouts Layout With the layouts I’m going to name it, give a example and a bit of a description. 2-based symmetrical – MLG torrent v3.1 by weezymoney. A 2-based symmetrical is where there is two bases. You could cut the map down the middle and everything will be exactly the same. As you can see on torrent the blue and red bases are the same and so are the two side towers. These maps generally support Slayer and Multi-flag. The usual weapon that you will find on these maps is a mauler right in the middle of the map. I will say that you do not have to have a mauler, you decide what weapon goes where. But make sure it is balanced. There isn’t any maps that bungie have made that perfectly suit 2-based symmetrical. But there is a map that is on the MLG circuit that is well known and that is Onslaught made by xSaLoT 2-based asymm symmetric- - Lockdown by iTs_NeXn and KRONIC SMOKE A 2-based asymm symmetric is very similar to a normal 2-based. But instead of having both side towers exactly the same they are different. As you can see on Lockdown, top A is much different than top B. One feature that is good about Lockdown is that the mauler isn’t in the middle, its under top B. There is many examples of bungie maps. Construct, Narrows and the Pit. 4-based symmetrical Impact by Kon artist 4-based symmetrical maps have four bases and are all exactly the same. The middle must have some sort of symmetry. A mauler is a safe option for this, but you can still use any other weapon. 4-based asymmetrical I couldn’t find any good examples of a foundry version, but you can use Cold Storage as a example of this. Its simply has four rooms, but each room being different. This kind of map is very advanced in map making and it can take many hours of testing to get the right weapons to balance your map. Room based asymmetrical Reverence by Baron An asymmetrical map is very pleasing if you can pull it off. There are a few types, you can have a room based or a open one. Reverence is a room based map. Choosing weapons on these kind of maps takes a lot of testing and you may not be satisfied by the end. Rocket Lauchers can be a great choice on maps like these. Asymmetrical Inertia by SuperFeign This is pretty much the same as the Room based version, but its open just like Guardian. Guardian has great gameplay and so do most asymmetrical maps. The only hard thing is making the map. Balance plays a big role on these maps and this is why you don’t see many in MLG. The weapon choice is very fun for these maps, you can almost use any weapon. But still use the weapons that suit your map the best. 3-based No one has made a good 3-based MLG map, now is your time to try this and hopefully get it noticed. 3-based maps have two home bases, a hall that connects the two bases and a third base that connects to the other two. MLG scenery guide SCENERY Name – Is it used? Double boxes- Yes Open double boxes- Yes Single boxes- Yes Open single boxes- Yes Fence Walls- Yes Fence Boxes- Yes Stairs- Yes Walls- Yes Double walls- Yes Wall corners- Yes Bridges- Yes Dumpsters- Yes Doors- Yes Forklifts- No Trucks- No Crates- Yes, but you must make it Immovable* Wire Spools- Yes, but you must make it Immovable* Sign A- Yes Sign B- Yes Window Panels- Yes Fusion Coils- No Barrels- Yes, but you must make it Immovable* Small Barrels- Yes, but you must make it Immovable* Barriers- Yes, but you must make it Immovable* Small barriers- Yes, but must make it Immovable* Pallets- No Road Blocks- No Street Cones- No Propane tank- No Weapons Holders- Yes Grav Lifts- Yes Man Cannons- Yes Shield Doors- No Soccer Balls- No *To make the item Immovable, you can put a weapon holder on top or surround it with teleporters. If you need any help with weapons have a look at my other guide here If you think I have missed anything please tell me and I will add it.
can you please leave a more detailed comment then that.. I would like to know if I can improve it more. or if I left anything out
Uh you left out that teleporters may be used but only if the benefit game play. Other than that NICCE GUIDE!!!1111! [/stupidity]
For 4-based asymmetrical I think that Guardian would be more appropriate to mention over Cold Storage. It has the advantage of popularity and it will be much easier to understand for others who don't understand Cold Storage at all. I'm pretty sure 90% of the viewers will understand the 4-base make-up of Guardian's yellow/gold, snipe tower, blue and green/jungle. Otherwise very solid guide and good examples.
Yes, guardian could probably come down as 4-based and just as a normal asymm. But a would leave it as it is for now.