Hi Forgehub, this is my first map being posted here, so be gentle. The links: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing The map: Assassination is meant to emulate city streets, with multiple story buildings and many places to hide and snipe from. The Backstory: Once upon a time, I was sitting at my computer and decided to download A Clockwork Orange because I kept hearing about it and I felt like watching a movie. While our anti hero uTorrent helped me get the movie it also has a bad side It clogged my intertubes so that I could not play matchmaking >:O Anyway, I went into forge and started building a house, then another, then just kep going until this map came to fruition. The gametype: The main purpose is to get the VIP to the end, while the body guards protect him. The assassin has 30 seconds to get setup, grab weapons, powerups, etc. Total time limit is 3 minutes. Everyone has 2 lives, but the VIP's death ends the round. Traits: VIP: 2x overshields, magnum, weapon pickup disabled, 75% speed, gravity unchanged, color is gold. Bodyguards: Invulnerable, spawn with BR and weapon pickup enabled. Color is black. Speed/gravity unchanged. Assassin: Normal shields, gravity, speed. Start with magnum and weapon pickup enabled. And now, pictures. This is an image of the doorway designed to keep the BG/VIP inside for 30 seconds. The fusion coils spawn above and fall down to destroy the grav lifts. The first road, looking out from the starting point (VIP view) The second road, looking out from the assassin starting point. The first floor of the first house The alleyway near the first house The second house The top floor of the second house as well as the beginning walkway to the tower The remainder of the walkway and the tower/lookout it leads to The third and final house _________________________________________________ The teams rely on people getting all vs 1 in the pregame lobby, unless you'd like more than 1 assassin. This variable is customizable to each host. Keep in mind that not only can this map be used for the Assassination variant, it could be successfully utilized with CTF, Infection, Assault, and Oddball! (maybe not) So download it, review it and tell me what you think. I'm looking for more than "1/5 " here, I'd like suggestions on how to improve this map as well.
this looks really great and it looks like it has a good setup i'll dl it and tell u what i think of it later but im pretty sure im going to like it... i have a game called assassinate thats similar but is more like assassins vs. mercs.... this seems a lot different and original and i like the map so i'll try to get back to u later on what i think of it
In the third picture, all the way at the far end, to the left of the big door built into Foundry, I see a ghost. I'm being totally serious. Does anyone else see it?
Amazing e-nuff, I think this could be the frist vip game i would like and enjoy. You got a nice idea with a good setup for the gametype. Nice Job!
lol i think i know what ur talking about it kinda does look like a ghost... but i havent had a chance to play this map yet, i think i will tomorrow but what number of people would u recommend to play this with???
For a first map, It is alot better than the others. I see a few crooked walls, but that is it. Good job.