Map: City Sweepers Creators: II AceMasta II and Sideout67 Links | V Map Variant: City Sweepers Game Variant: Sweepers City Sweepers is a map made with the thought of tremors in mind. I have recently made a map called Conduit which uses destructable towers in it. My friend joined me in my forge lobby. Bored out of our minds we decided to make a tremors map. Then the ideas poured in. Why not make a tremors map that required a large ammount of teamwork on the tremor's part? Thats where city sweepers came to being. City Sweepers is a tremors map on foundry that uses about the same amount of space as a Grifball map. The zombies(tremors) spawn near their vehicles(wraith and ghost). They must then cooperate in order to bring about the demise of the human scum. The wraith is used as a recking ball of sorts. There are destructible towers scattered all over the map layout, this is where the humans will spawn. The wraith is used to crash these towers to the ground while the ghost mops up the fallen humans. The humans have a slightly limited ammount of gravity, just enough to climb a crate. The Last Man Standing gains back normal gravity and thats about it. Screenshots This is an overview from one of the corners of the map. This is another overview from a different corner of the map. One last overview from another corner of the map. This is the job of the wraiths/wrecking balls. This is the job of the ghosts/clean up people. Fun Shots My friend getting splattered by a crate that was pushed into a mancannon below him lol(he's on the far left of the shot). A deer in the headlights. Me! I forgot to mention that there are mancannons in the corners to prevent camping beneath objects in the corner of foundry. And humans, i know it may seem like a good idea to get on the wraith to hide. This is where the second zombie comes in. He can use his ghost to get on the wraith and splatter you or he can get out of his ghost and assasinate you. This is the only time it is recommended that you assasinate as a zombie as most of the time you are outnumbered by humans and when you are out of your ghost you are fair game. Thanks for your time and enjoy, II AceMasta II and Sideout67 Here is the links again in case you missed them: Map Variant: City Sweepers Game Variant: Sweepers
Lol this looks hilarious. Can't the wraiths shoot you though? Or should they just not because that would be lame?
NEEDS MORE INTERLOCKZORZS just kidding The map is extra cool because it is all moveable items imo It would be even sweeter if you merged the moveable objects into the ground the moveable item geomerge tut is in the Forging 101 section
This actually looks surprisingly great! I was just playing campaign and looking at all the movable objects and I was thinking of making something with all of them. I really love destructible environments so this map is great. I like how you made the corners uncampable with the man cannons and having the zombies have to actually work as a team is perfect. Do they do zero damage btw because if not then the wraith would own the humans. You also have a large variety of structures making it look more like a city than a monotonous suburb. This map could have been even better if you had a sort of skyscraper in the middle made of dumpsters and some taller structures but I already love it.
Ya man im just hoping to start a new game like tremors. The maps will come if bungie does indeed make a larger sandbox map in the next map pack, expect to see some huge destructible cities from me
I know the wraith's explosions don't hurt you, but do they blast and move around the movable objects?
Yes they do and it does not effect gameplay much its just a choice for the humans have the tower die by getting run over or having it die by getting shot