Elle there, graphics people. I have a special request that doesn't really have anything to do with forge hub, but it'd be awesome if one of you PS gurus could try it. I need this to be 200 px tall, 900px wide, with the word "Atomify" in bid, red letters (it'd be cool if they looked all cool and cracked and such) with a mostly dark background, with distant explosions in the background. Thanks in advance!
hey is this what you were looking for (so far its what i have...tell me if you want me to change anythin) and after that this is the end one...tell me if you want it better?
I'm not sure if this is what you wanted, I think it needs something more somewhere but I don't know what. It looks better cropped down but it wouldn't be the right size that way, I made the font and background btw. Cropped:
Hmm actually I think I'm gonna go with TDH's, I like the landscape in the background and the TV screen effect, although sdra's was cool too. +rep for the both of you and thanks agin.
it actually was my first ever photoshop project for someone else...i used a grunge tutorial etc....i think it turned out ok...anyways, what was it for?
Hey, I was in the process of making this when I reloaded the page and saw that the request had been filled. I just decided to finish it and I came up with this. If you'd prefer to use this one, great, and if not, so be it.
Um... Hope you like it... I can do another one if it isnt what you want... or i saved the .psd for this, so i can edit it....
Thanks everyone lol, I only needed one, but I like all of them so I'm going to save them all and switch it up every now and then. Thanks!
yo techmonkey....guess what? i made your banner while taking a dump hahaha otherwise on a more serious note (pssshht yeah right) hope you find the best one out there!
Wow.. I don't really have much to say to that except... you obviously have great multitasking skills.