I swear all your threads are fail. Halo 2 - All br's super jump modding Bettter maps though Halo 3 - There is more then 1 weapon modding is only in customs o and customs which is great because of forge and after playing the custom game in the forge map you can go watch it in theater which can also play campaign that has co-op
Most of em' aren't, but I guess he just has to much, and in an certain way floods the forums, no offense man.:happy:
i love halo 3 for its graphics and features.. but halo 2 i like better actually. oh and this should go in halo discussion. the mods moved it up to the halo forum. look up there for these kinda threads and maybe ask a mod to move/lock this
Hmm. this is a toughy. a lot of people will pick halo 2 over halo 3 just because of the small problems that could use tweaking in halo 3. Personally, I never owned halo 2 (i did play it) so I don't have any special connections to bias my opinion towards it, and really I'd say halo 3. It has better weapons and really most of the good maps from the other two, and plenty of it's own good ones. the campaign is REALLY great. also there's equipment, and really the entire thing is about connecting w/ other people and playing together. so I vote halo 3
looked more like a picture of halo 1 with a battle rifle to me... and the halo 3 is poorly put in lol. the three is completely different color. i dont mind though