Anyone else ever thought of this? There are limitless options really...Think about all the floating stuff you could put. I always wished there was a fourth way out of the lift room, on the side that's blocked off. I'd put a teleporter (2-way) in the room, and then put floating bridges/pallets/crates up to that little corner spot attached to the needler room, forming this: ________ | | | T |[][]][][][][][][] |__ ___| [] | | [] [] .[]_____________ | _|___________|_ | | |_| | |_____N_____ | The [] are my bridge if you are understanding this, N is needler room, T is lift room. Another 2 way would be on the other side of the wall (So basically you'd just be walking through the wall when you went through the teleporters) I'd put a brute shot on the corner. I always wanted a brute shot on default Lockout. So how would you Forge Lockout?
Re: How would you Forge Lockout? I wouldn't. There is no really satisfactory way to do death pits. Lockout is for halo 2.
Re: How would you Forge Lockout? Mubutu, you would want to change the name to How would you Forge Guardian? because Guardian = Lockout.
Re: How would you Forge Lockout? You cant forge Lockout cause you can not fall to your death. Also, Guardian is the new Lockout.
Re: How would you Forge Lockout? Guardian is not Lockout. Guardian is the "spiritual successor" to luckout, in that it is very similar: A green hallway with the shotgun at the end, accessible through a hole in the ceiling above A lift, with ways to drop down on either side A sniper tower that has a view higher than the rest of the game, and two other floors to be level with the other to floors in the level Sword (now Hammer) in a centrally accessible location Fall to your death areaas It is very similar to Lockout. It isn't Lockout though, and some prefer the old one. Hence the attempt above to forge it.
Re: How would you Forge Lockout? Guardian = Lockout. People, Lockout isn't coming back for christ's sake. Actually, a lot of people hated that map.
Re: How would you Forge Lockout? Actaully, Guardian ≠ Lockout. It is a different map. It's green. It's got different weapon placements. It's got a different name. It's not the exact same, which is what equals means. As I said above, it is the "spiritual successor" to Lockout. As in, it isn't exactly Lockout, but it was a sort of remake, in that it had a new design, but was made to play in a similar way. Also, you say most people hated lockout... are you serious? Lockout was the map for pro players. MLG tournaments featured mostly games on Lockout. It was one of the most popular maps in Halo 2. Maybe you disliked it, but that's not the popular opinion.
Re: How would you Forge Lockout? QFT, I agree with everything you said 110%. 90% of the custom games I played in Halo 2 were on Lockout, and another 9.9 percent were played on Foundation because it made a great zombies map. Actually, a lot of people LOVED that map...
Re: How would you Forge Lockout? Hi there, I just wanted to bump your thread to show the other stupid kid who made a "Lockout Remake??" thread that there already was another thread, and not only that but it was on the same freaking page as the one he made, AND NOT ONLY THAT... but there are more buried in the abyss!!!! Both of you are now quadruple fail !!!1
Re: How would you Forge Lockout? You guys obviously don't understand what he's saying. He isn't asking how you will remake Lockout with forge, he is saying that if you could edit Lockout with forge what things would to add to it?
Re: How would you Forge Lockout? Titmar stop posting these "Quadruple fail" posts its making me mad. It's obviosuly a sextuple fail so get it right!
Re: How would you Forge Lockout? He means how would you change lockout if you could edit maps in halo 2... and not just forge them but edit them... And whoever made this thread I suggest you say it like that instead.... I wouldn't change anything... It's too perfect already! - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
Lockout is perfect as it is, wouldnt change a thing but I think in halo 2 vista you could change some stuff and modzz in lockout kind of like forge it
well for a start I would put shield doors over the two laches to keep people from throwing grenades up and down. then would two fire grenades and a grav hammer in the middle and take out the sword. I would also put a camo on the bridge that goes from the lift to the sniper. to finnish i would take out the plasma pistol and put a one way telepoter from the top of the building across from the sniper and the area where the sword normally is.
hey, lucky you soon enough you will be able to forge on lockout *coughs* Blackout
Damn, i was just about to post that! I would put shield doors on some of the doors and maybe add a flamer if im alowed.