This is DUCK HUNT map that is made into a cops and robbers game! It consists of a bunker for the zombie (robber) and a maze for the humans (cops). This is one of my best looking maps! It was very well done when it comes to fuzing and geofuzing! On the map there are alot of little things you can find to make your way to the teleporter. There are custom power ups, bubble shields, deployable covers, and much more! Also there is a secret explosive at 45 seconds in if anyone is deciding to camp in the blue room. The map starts off in the blue room. This is where the cops start. Then they make their way to the outside and the maze. At the end of the third level there is a teleporter that takes you to the bunker (robbers hut). There you will be able to kill the robber to end the round. The game type for the map is called The Fuzz! Download the gametype- The Fuzz! V V V V V Download the map- The Run! V V V V V !IMPORTANT NOTICE! The gametype and map are on my friend's fileshare becuase I have no more room on my fileshare for maps! Download the map- The Run! V V V V V Please try out this map and comment on it. It took me 12 hours straight to make this! Thanks- RK The Beast!
first and foremost, this is a SICK MAP the forging is so well done the zom shooting room looks great i dont really understand how this is like cops and robbers at all it just looks like the best duck hunt map i have ever seen 5/5
okay good job to your uh giant apartment... kidding no you did a great job on the map and there is also great interlocking too
Wow. The amount of walls and other random things you used to make this are amazing. This is definitely a dl for me, it's amazing. It's still confusing me. The little things like you said such as bubble shields and deployable covers make a map great instead of just rockets and snipers everywhere. Great job. 5/5
When i say cops and robbers i mean that the cops have to go through the maze to get to the robber who is shooting at them from the bunker! (not an actual copps and robbers game!
i still dont really understand cops are zombies right? so they spawn and the teleport to the room while the robbers run through this obstacle corse and try not to die? seems exactly like duck hunt to me
wow thats a cool map must have took forever . it kinda reminds me of the halo one map boarding action.
This is a way better version than the one i have, because the one is just stupid and you fall when your about win. When you get past does it have a timed map thing where, once your done after 180 seconds does the other "map" respawn. Sorry if it was in your description.
Umm I can't really rate your map or give you any useful information because these pictures are very confusing. I am not trying to be mean or anything, but the way that you have the pictures posted hurts my head! Please try to fix the pictures, then we'll talk.
Oh, another duck hunt map, But this is different. This one has actually had time spent on it. Out of all the duck hunt maps i've seen, this is by far the best. 5/5 Well done
4/5 For the Sweet job on the map, Including the interlocking. My only suggestion Is to take Away much cover. On "my" Duck Hunt map there is little cover. To make It really Hard You need to take Away the cover. And again Great job on the map with interlocking,Geomerging, And looks.