So check this map out, its pretty much people driving around in mongooses trying to avoid gauss cannons and lasers the whole time. But heres the twist, its on a raised platform, with "bounce pads" to keep you from staying on your feet too easily. The first team is the mongoose team, any amount of players may be on this team. You guys just drive in the hill and gain points. The second team is the gauss hog team, only 3 people may be on this team. The gauss hog team drives around the floating platform and tries to knock off the mongoose team, who are invincible in the hill, but when on ground level they become kill-able. MAP: GAMETYPE: Mongoose Team Spawn Gauss Team Spawn Platform Use the gravity lift to get to the platform You turn white inside the hill Watch out for those bounce pads! Mongoose team gains points for staying in the hill, Gauss gets points for killing.
Re: Mongoose Shootout!! The great new fun game that is well... fun! Interesting idea. It looks like a ton of fun. Keep away from honor rules, when possible, though, because people are lame and often will ignore them. Regardless, this looks like an original map! I'll give it a try!
Re: Mongoose Shootout!! The great new fun game that is well... fun! NOOOO I had a concept like this....
Re: Mongoose Shootout!! The great new fun game that is well... fun! Your right, but there was no way i could isolate the mongoose spawn from the warthog crew or vice-versa, otherwise it would block off the outside of the platform and the warthog would have limited movement Also i was thinking about adding objects that get launched into the hill randomly like crate frenzy.... but i decided not to do it because people might call me a cheap copy-er
Re: Mongoose Shootout!! The great new fun game that is well... fun! You don't have to launch stuff into the ring. Just make stuff respawn into the ring. Like fusion coils or mancannons. I like the map otherwise.
Re: Mongoose Shootout!! The great new fun game that is well... fun! This map looks awesome, and the post looks good too.
This map looks similar to that Sumo map with the ghosts... which means it should be good. I'll give it a try
ZOMG. why do people have such origanal ideas. It makes all my maps look like poopoo. Nice map btw, i DL.
yeah, this has a good idea and its a pretty amazing way to impliment the use of gause vs mongoose wich is normaly a pain in my a** al the time. :squirrel_jaffa:
Re: Mongoose Shootout!! The great new fun game that is well... fun! If it makes your map better go for it. Who cares what everyone else thinks. I'm sick of people accusing others of stealing their ideas. If anything, they should be happy that someone thought it was a good enough idea to use in their own map. I'm glad there are tons of versions of the same map/idea it only helps to improve the concept. With that said, nice work.