
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by FattyFatFat Kid, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. FattyFatFat Kid

    FattyFatFat Kid Ancient
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    Created by FattyFatFat Kid, and local friend Eddie I.

    Supported Gametypes:
    Anything except Assault, or CTF. 2-8 players max, and even 8 is pushing it for FFA slayer.

    Weapon/ equipment List
    Sniper Rifle (150 sec respawn, 1 extra clip)
    Battle Rifle x3 (all 45 sec respawn, 2 extra clips)
    Carbine x2 (both 45 sec respawn, 2 extra clips)
    SMG x4 (all 30 sec respawn, 2 extra)
    Shotty (120 sec respawn, 0 extra)
    Brute shot (120 sec respawn, 0 extra)
    Needler (30 sec, 1 extra)
    Plasma Pistol (30 sec)
    8 frags and 8 spikers
    Power Drainer & Bubble Shield (90 sec respawn on both)
    Overshield (180 sec respawn)

    Map Description
    Detainment is a map that was inspired by Halo 1’s Prisoner. I know it kinda sounds familiar because Chekka just posted Captive (which is what my map was originally called, but he beat me to the post!) No hard feelings Chekka! Detainment doesn’t have Prisoner’s layout at all, but it plays the same, and while it may not be very aesthetically pleasing, it more than makes up for it in awesome gameplay! It’s a medium sized map that takes up a little more than half the open space on Foundry.

    The map is essentially split down the middle (as seen in the first pic) with main towers on either side. Detainment is a very tall 4 level map that really encourages players to gain the height advantage. In other words, the map has an upward direction. And I think it’s the map’s simple, raw design and well placed ups rather than the weapon placement that cause players to get up top. Anyway, here’s the stuff you can look at:

    4th level you can see on the left is there to keep players in the map (not playable)


    Looking toward shotty spawn

    Looking from shotty spawn down the back hallway (OS not seen)

    Looking from level under shotty down same hallway (OS seen)

    Looking from shotty spawn toward Carbine tower

    Behind Carbine/brute shot towers

    Above the previous pic

    Inside bigger base (2nd and 3rd level)

    Going up a lift

    Overall, it’s a very simple map with a lot of interlocking. Like I said, it doesn’t look impressive, but it plays great! And again, the map is set up for any default gametype except bomb or flag (b/c as you can see, there aren’t any real clear defendable bases), so there’s no additional cumbersome gametype to go along with it. I’ve been told to recommend that in whatever gametype you choose to turn off the radar (Noooo! I hate no radar!) because it’s got so many levels, radar just confuses people. My personal recommendation for a crazy/fun game would be to do KOTH with only hammers, and extra health, and hill movement off. (I played this for hours with my neighbors!)

    Also, I’d like to thank Eddie I. for helping me design the map as well as all the testers that helped me playtest this map; xbrokenxangelx, InferiorPigeon, Vorpal Saint, Nicjgoat, Whispy, Java3script7, Nightfire33, meGa Thumbsss, XSniperX13, and anyone else who I forgot to mention. You guys helped A LOT!!

    Download Detainment
    #1 FattyFatFat Kid, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2008
  2. Mechutu

    Mechutu Ancient
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    I don't know about anyone else but I think the overall layout of this map is great..... there are some problems though try to use more interlocking to make it neater and just mainly straighten it up.... also the middle open area feels a little too open try adding just a little more in there not too much but just a little. So out of all of that I give it a 4/5..... keep forging:)
  3. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Well, not to shabby, but there are flaws. But don't worry I will give you a 2-4 paragraph review. So where to start, I guess I'll start with the problems. First of all is the sloppy and irregular interlocking, I see some parts interlocked over there and some parts interlocked over here, and then I see no interlocking. It's a mess to tell what is interlocked, and then when I do see something interlocked it does not look perfect, I'm not saying it has to be 100% perfect, but not angled off by 5 degrees.

    Your next problem is the weapons, where exactly are the weapons I see very few scattered around on the pictures, it does not look like there are that many weapons. I did notice the Battle Rifle on the other hand, and I ask you why. The map does not look like it requires battle rifles. The range is close which equals assault rifles.

    Now those are the bad parts, now for some good news. I have to say that the thread is superb, it's a good one-two minute read. and each picture has a small description. You added recommendations for game types and that is pretty pro.

    While the map may lack proper interlocking it does look competitive, show me more pictures of weapons, from what I saw a simple weapon change would make this competitive.

    Overall I give it a 3/5 for a good thread, and a not to shabby map. I lower two points for the lack of interlocking and bad weapon placement.
  4. drak

    drak Ancient
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    firstly, turn your bridges over, and improve on the aethetics....secondly, make sure to give descpritions of your pictures, as to say what ur looking at...i give the map a 2.5/5
  5. InnerSandman13

    InnerSandman13 Ancient
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    whew..... I thought for a second this map would have no pictures. This map looks interesting though..... should put a list of weapons and yes there is very little interlocking. I wish there was some switches though....for the picture with the man cannon. If there was a switch there the asthetics would be much more pleasing. I give the map a 3.5/5. V2 has potential
  6. Spark

    Spark Ancient
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    very cool mape i like the layout mabey sum moar interlocking though. great job 4/5
  7. FattyFatFat Kid

    FattyFatFat Kid Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback guys! Ya, I know about the lack/sloppy interlocking. This was the first map I made before I knew all the tricks I know now. If I get enough downloads, I might think about remaking it from the ground up with geomerging and perfect interlocking etc.

    And ya, I guess all my pics seem to hide all the weapons! But check the top post again, I just added the weapon/equipment list I forgot the first time. You might think since it's such a small map, you don't need/want BRs or Carbines, but you'd be surprised! This map is surprisingly open, and lends itself to using a medium range weapon like the BR, especially for 6 player slayer. Anything over that starts to get crowded and the spawns start breaking. Believe me, I've tested it thoroughly. But at the same time though, there are lots of close range battles that demand the attention of the AR. BR/AR combo is king on this map. Maybe even BR/shotty.

    Anyway, don't diss it 'till you've played it. The sloppy interlocking doesn't really take away from the gameplay, it's still a great map! And btw, watch out for my next maps, they're way better looking than this....
  8. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    im glad to see you finally posting this, you tested this for what, three weeks?
    As a big help to testing I am telling everyone that the gameplay is great!
    i recommend free for all, alot of moments when you have no idea where the guy that killed you came from, and personally i think thats hard to do in a FFA map.

    The weapon set is very good, it has been changed and reworked several times as i remember, just to get it to perfection!

    Nice map, i cant wait to see what you make next!!

  9. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    very nice interlocking, a little messy though. everything from design and weapon placement is pretty good, the interlocking is just a little off. 3/5
  10. FattyFatFat Kid

    FattyFatFat Kid Ancient
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    Thanks guys for your feedback, and thanks InferiorPigeon for your endorsement!
  11. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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    Its layout is ok and it would proly play well but most if not all your merges are a little sloppy and need to be cleaned up I would flip and merge the bridges slightly into the boxes to make the look better also.

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