I made a map so now there are boxes, etc. everywhere and I cant find all the small gametype items like territory spawns and respawn areas (the small black cylinders). Does anyone know where all the areas and goal objects are?
Orange, did you even read his post? Calimar, be sure to change gametypes when in forge mode to get the goal objects. It will be under 'Goals'. For the spawns do the same thing only they should be under spawns after you changed gametype.
Also, set everything in your level to spawn after start, then at the start, you'll be able to find the goal objects more easily. Most of them spawn somewhere on that center line. Many on the second floor, and some on the first.
Check out Foundry Cavasish and other canvas maps for future maps, where the goal objects are set aside somewhere and easily found. Its very usefull.
All r very good ideas try them first but if all fails just switch to custom game and play your map on the various gametypes and make not of where the objective r
Wow, I had a few different suggestions, but you guys all mentioned them already. Yay, helpful community!
Yeah my guess the culprit is whom Wakko accused, you're not switching the gametype while in forge. Make sure you're in editor mode when you press start or else the option won't show up. Also Drax is right, Foundry Canvasish is a good type but he didn't supply the link so it doesn't really help you at all, here's the link; Foundry Canvasish
I think Orange did read it. I came in to a big problem with that as well on my Rat Race map. Had to delete one box to get a few things, like a territory and hill.
I love how people find out the goal items are under boxes in the middle of te structure and youd have to destroy it all to get to it. So they rebuilt it all, when they couldve just set the items to not respawn at start....