I voted and posted, Shiska generally replies to threads in the optimatch play list forum so we could get an official answer soon if the thread stays alive for long enough.
I don't know why, but that post by Shiska got me pissed. Its as if he thinks that a Living Dead playlist would top a Forge Hub featured maps playlist. Both require equal testing, but Bungie actually had to create some maps. So why the **** would he say there are more important things, when he could of done this a long time ago instead of making a shitty Living Dead playlist and retarded new BTB map variants.
anybody up for jumping the gun and choosing maps? this would be great though, yet there should be someway of making the maker's gt show each game, but that might end in PM nightmare
we now have 240, your welcome that would be the coolest thing ever for DBL EXP plus we would all have an advantage =P
Myabe not necessarily a FH playlist, but the "better" maps would be integrated into existing playlists, some possibly with their own gametypes.
Im glad this finally happened. Ive been waiting for Forgehub to be more than only forge and custom games . Its finally spreading over the whole game. Way to go forgehub You ROCK!!! probably competitive that way it shows out some of forgehubs best maps .. which are mostly competitive
Ske7ch allready announced Shiska's plans for a customs map playlist next month. Bungie will probably go directly to forgehub to maps for the playlist specifically the featured maps section. This means we will have something like a forgehub playlist! Plus great never before seen material that has not been posted. I know 2 of your maps will be in there Draw. Gridlock the best overall map and End of the Line the best aestletic map and my personal fav!
w00t I was 301. Bungie really should give us some time to shine. I say that there is a custom playlist all of the time that is updated a lot.
In the Bungie Weekly Update it states: So it appears they are trying their best to integrate user created content into Matchmaking. They just need some time to work out the bugs. Either that or they're attempting to fix the forums over there.....but I know Shiska seems to be doing as much as possible.