Everyone knows about the alleged map editor. And people are still begging for midship and blood gulch. Bungie hasn't mentioned anything about them except that they are not in the map pack. Maybe that's because there going to release a map large enough to create map's like midship, and blood gulch even. It would make sense. Agree or disagree?
Perhaps. However, I'd still like to see Bungie's official version of the map rather than one made by, say, 'HALOLOVER1234' that looks like a nuked version of Coagulation.
Ya it's called Valhala or Standoff! But really as much as I love Blood Gulch, I like Valhala more. Blood Gulch just seems too simple and a more complex map like waterworks would be cool.
Waterworks was amazing, but the gameplay just sucked. It took like a minute just to get from one end to the other, and the bases were so heavily defensive it was like impossible to not have a tie. I just want to remake the map Skyrail from 007 nightfire. I hope they have moving objects.
Isn't the new forge map supposed to allow you to completely make your own map from scratch? If the origonal map was just an empty black space of nothingness than the budget would be a lot higher... or we could just break the budget with the glitch... P.S. This is my 700th post!
If the new forge is like what we saw in that video maps could be completely replicated like they were in the previous games. So someone could correctly remake lockout perhaps along with other classic maps. If they gave the community full map making powers they would never need to remake a map ever again.
I think that cold storage was a waste of time, no offence. They should of just made the "sandbox" map and not release cold storage, we had a remake on foundry, which was pretty accurate, so I would've rather had the new foundry map, because I hardly even play on Cold Storage.
See, what I believe that they want to do about this situation is that they are going to release a few more maps for Microsoft points and then they will go ahead and release the map creator (if they are working on that) so that they get a little more profit with the maps before they release the map creator. Hopefully the map creator will have enough objects in it to remake Halo, Halo 2, and surely Halo 3 maps and obviously create different ones too. I bet Bungie didn't expect forge to be so... popular.
Yeah they have to make their own version. Personally I think bungie should recreate Blood Gulch and just totally pimp it out. Make the bases cooler, tons of forge objects, and lots of other stuff too.
well i jsut checked out the videos and it seems like they r gonna make a map editor. i dont think it's gonna b on halo three tho. i think it's gonna b a seperate thing like halo custom edition. because it looks too complex to b added into halo. maybe, maybe not. we just have to see
I think Bungie shouldn't make any remakes at all. We have all played those maps a ton, why would we want to play them more? I want new experiences. If you want to go play those maps again, go back to one of the older games. New maps > Remakes.
If the map editor came out, I would want to remake or see a remake of halo 2's colossus. I loved that map, especailly CTF. If not, I hope they remake colossus.
anyone think they should make a blank map thats all white that you could make everything on, then you could have a bigger budget. also it'd be cool if they have a size adjustment for the map: ex: 20mX40mX60m just some ideas
well listen they made vallhala as a remake of blood gulch, or it might be the campain level halo (theory) but midship is epitaph, it is very hard to tell but it is true, plus i think and hope they will make a mapmaker, for the computer cuz remember a mappack is 400MB Average, that means 133.3MB For a map
Hey some people like those games... I played a 8 hour CTF match at a land party.. and believe it or not thats fun..