Watch how you used the word "gay" on this site... If you want to correct other people on their grammar, try using proper grammar.
Norlinsky just pwned you! Anyways, yeah that map idea would be really fun, I'm trying to make a couple of rough trees too and I'll show you them soon.
Even without proper grammar i seem to be getting alot of responses... and if people seriously care so much about grammar that they wont help me then i dont really want their help and i hope to see those trees soon
Use G034R's style of trees: Pile up 4 or 5 barrels on top of each other and put teleporters at the top, since they give a green glow when activated. Just put a sender node outside of the map.
Use two stairs and stand them up together and it can be used as a tree. Also, if you use the open double boxes it can be used as a cave.
ya the barrels wod work but i wod have them and other bigger trees....and i already did the stairs thing which i think im gonna have to use for 2 big trees.
No offense but this map seems like it is a terrible idea. You cant produce a forest in a city. Don't bears in real life die instantly? O well, its only my opinion.
Okay... I really need to rethink this map because Foundry will not...if someone is willing to help me make this map, send me a FR. My GT is Pablo Zoodles