What's you're favorite Call of Duty 4 Custom Class Set-up(s)? I recently got back into this after a GTA4 and Halo 3 summer retreat and I'm curious to see what everyone uses. You can post your set-up how I've posted Mine or do as you please. Custom Class Name: Frontlines Main weapon: AK-47 Attachment: Grenade Launcher Secondary Weapon: Desert Eagle Special Grenade: Stun Perk 1: n/a (Grenade Launcher) Perk 2: Sleight of Hand Perk 3: Martyrdom I know, I know, I use the n00b tube and martyrdom, two of the most hated things on COD4, but honestly it's not because I'm a n00b. I really am a decent player. I use the tube in tactical moderation, I don't just spam with it. This class is one of my favorites because it works on just about every map. When I use this I just turn into a running riot, sprinting around the map shooting and killing whatever opponent is unfortunate enough to fall into my path. The sleight of hand makes the reload almost instantaneous, allowing you to not worry about taking cover to safely reload. Then of course, when the rampage finally does stop, I go out with a bang :squirrel_wink: . It really is a lot of fun to use, and it's not uncommon that I get double digit kill streaks when I use this. So you've heard mine, what's yours?
Custom Class Name: Sniper Main weapon: R700 Attachment: N/A Secondary Weapon: Desert Eagle Special Grenade: Flash Perk 1: Claymore x2 Perk 2: Stopping Power Perk 3: Iron Lungs
RPG + Martydom??? My setup goes for HC: Custom Class Name: HC Main weapon: Mini Uzi (Just because it's gold) Attachment: Silencer Secondary Weapon: M16 With Acog Special Grenade: Stun Perk 1: Claymore x2 Perk 2: Overkill Perk 3: Deep Penetration
My setup for Team Death Match and Ground War Custom Class Name: Heavy/Support Main weapon:RPD Attachment: Grip Secondary Weapon: Desert Eagle Special Grenade: Smoke Perk 1: Grip cancels out Perk 2: Stopping Power Perk 3: Deep impact
That's exactly mine when I am using my sniper. It is probably one of the best combinations IMO. I am pretty good with the R700 in COD4.
Soldier (LOL, simple) AK47 with Red-Tiger camo & Acog scope Desert Eagle Perk 1: Rocket Launcher Perk 2: Sleight of Hand Perk 3: Overkill
I call this class my '*****' class. I use it when the other team is using the M16 or anything else noobish. Custom Class Name: ***** Main weapon: M16 Rifle Attachment: Red Dot Secondary Weapon: USP Silenced (Deagle = loud) Special Grenade: Flash Perk 1: Claymore Perk 2: Stopping Power Perk 3: Martyrdom
Custom Class Name: MHorteen (all of my classes try and pun the word Hor [not *****]) Main weapon: M14 Attachment: Red Dot (ACOG recoils too much) Secondary Weapon: USP .45 w/o silence Special Grenade: Stun Perk 1: Bandolier (I usually don't need it, but it's the most versatile perk 1) Perk 2: Stopping Power Perk 3: Martyrdom (I would use Steady Aim, but with Red Dot it's just as easy to scope in) This is my favorite class by far, because it's a Sniper Rifle with more versatility. Plus the steady red dot makes it a little easier to aim with.
Custom Class Name: Custom Class 5 Main weapon: M40A3 Sniper Attachment: None. Secondary Weapon: M9 only with turbo Special Grenade: stun Perk 1: Claymore X2 Perk 2: Stopping power Perk 3: Deep Impact And whoever bragged about a golden uzi, I'm better, lets just leave it at that
XD, o gawd. Custom Class Name: Custom Class 2 Main weapon: Skorpion Attachment: Red Dot Sight Secondary Weapon: USP w. Silencer Special Grenade: Flash Perk 1: C4 Perk 2: Stopping Power/Sleight of Hand Perk 3: Extreme Conditioning I loev rockin' the Skorpion because it must really piss of other people when they're killed by it. It is a half decent gun after all. I do find it tres difficulte to play CoD4 now though because of all the martyrdom users. On a side note, has anyone ever played Micheal Myers in CoD4? Most fun game ever, end of story.
Haven't played in a while but my favourite was: Custom Class Name: P90 Main weapon: P90 Attachment: Red Dot Secondary Weapon: Desert Eagle Special Grenade: Stun Perk 1: Bandolier (Sp?) Perk 2: Stopping Power Perk 3: Steady Aim I play PC COD4 so i don't look down the sights too often with this class and it works well.