Oh the huge manatee. If only I had found this video a few nights ago. It might please you to know that mappy mcthief thief here's gamertag was banned from xbox live this morning. Basically he impersonated one of my good well-renowned artist friends on forza 2 by actually paying money to change his gamertag and editing his live bio, sending friends of mine messages claiming to be at a friends house in order to get a couple of "his" painted cars unlocked (that i stupidly sent, it wasn't until later that someone sent me a message telling me who it really was, lolwhoops. In my defense it was 4am, and i was on the sauce), so that he could pass them off as his own, and spam the auction house for in game profit. Its not the first time he's tried to steal from us either. Long story short, he commited identity theft in order to steal stuff from someone else, breaking the live TOS while doing so, and earned himself a nice trip to mount failverest. Heres the link to much lulz, and various people catching him in the act. Forzamotorsport.net Forums - Ryujin Zero imposter!
I hope they perma ban his IP address along with his 360....clearly Halo 3 isn't an isolated incident.
Banning an IP address won't do crap. I sincerely hope they brick his Xbox though. As it is, he's still in a lobby on forza 2. Methinks someone told a fib when they said he was banned this morning. But it seems turn10 are looking into it.
Lol Yeah stealing maps isn't cool. Although I am wondering about something. Someone told me that Twosaltynuts stole Tunnel Rats. I am pretty sure they were lying but I wanted to make sure. Also That was funny how you caught Bushido Elite. Im only asking because I think I have another big map thief...
Bushido's idiocy makes me giggle like a school girl. I just read that forum thread on forza and that convo was pretty damned hilarious.
Ah yeah, Almost forgot. More hilarious ripoffage from a while back, courtesy of our friend of fail. In fact, just type in Bushido Elite on fm.net and you'll see how much we hate him too. Forzamotorsport.net Forums - ok here is my new dragon design.
Someone kindly showed me the HTCAMT video with him in it, and posted a link to forgehub in an earlier thread.