
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Cheshter, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. Cheshter

    Cheshter Ancient
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    Welcome to my newest and best yet map Zeneta i took a long break from forging but after playing lots of the communities awesome maps i had to build myself a new map whih i thought would be awesome to.

    SO here it is Zeneta

    Download it here

    Zeneta is mainly a free for all map whcih supports up to eight but it worked quite well in Team Slayer but also one flag manly due to the structure of the map ( i had not intended for this to happen but it just did)

    Background to map

    Zeneta is an old Temple of sorts which we no nothing about (who made it and who/What they worshiped) there are many of the orginal structures and emblems standing which give the map and Temple feel but also a sense of mystery.

    Weapon list
    BR x 7
    AR x 2
    Rocket x 1
    Sniper x 1
    Brute shot x 1
    Shotgun x 2
    Plasma pistol x 1
    carbine x 2
    smg x 2
    Spiker x 2
    Active x 1
    OS x 1
    bubble x 1
    regen x 1
    energy drain x 1
    2 x incenederys
    10 x plasma
    On game slike capture the flag there is a noticable change in weapon layout but hard to explain

    Now onto the,pics
    this is an overview of the Map corner structure were flag spawns. this is also the home of the sniper. you can see oversheild to.
    Looking from top of corner structure.

    Back of map cover from open boxes merged into walls and door.

    Same area of map froma differnt angle. Leading up to rockets

    An Old shrine which hosts the Oversheild.

    plasma turret covers all of bridge and under it great for getting some quick kills and vital for defending flag.


    heres the link again if you wish to download

  2. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    umm this isnt bad
    the interlocking is ok
    but dont rate your map and certainly dont give yourself a 5/5
    i give it a 3.75/5
  3. Cheshter

    Cheshter Ancient
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    lol sorry i was just messing around i didn't exactily no what i was doing
  4. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
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    I really lke the map but it seems a bit to open for my taste. In v2 put more stuff in the open.
  5. Lamposts

    Lamposts Ancient
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    This map seems kind of open and more cover needs to be provided in order for good game play, although the map itself looks like it holds great game play!
  6. Bloodydagger1

    Bloodydagger1 Ancient
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    Yea, some of its too open, some of its too claustophobic (dunno if i spelt that rite), make a v2 like the suggestion above but interlock a bit more, so that you have smooth surfaces.
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Very good job with the flipping of the bridges they allow great gameplay exscpecially on a higher level of the map good job
  8. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    The middle is a bit too empty... You know there is nothing inside... Although the perimeter of the inside does seem to have roof cover. Great interlocking, but you used to many common items... abusing doors in this type of map does not make it look good, but the overall is not bad.
  9. DeadeyeForge

    DeadeyeForge Ancient
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    I like how in the base with the A sign you put the stairs, it looks great. But just as ZOMG said, the map is open in some parts, mainly around the too tall pillars with the receiver nodes on them. If you make a v2 add some boxes or dumpsters or barriers around in that area, or maybe even another pillar. Gj on the design though. 3/5.
  10. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    It looks quite sloppy in areas and the open-ness doesnt seem to fit.
  11. Acosta02

    Acosta02 Ancient
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    At the time I started posting, this map has only been downloaded twice, once by me and once by somebody else - but two other people have commented on it. Is this like a Bungie glitch or something? Or is somebody just inflating their post count?

    Anyways, I just played a couple quick and dirty small party games on this map, and was... well, underwhelmed. One of the first things I noticed was how low the wall around the map was - and sure enough, it takes practically no effort to get outside of the map, and it's completely possible that somebody could be blown out by accident. Although it's possible to grenade jump out above the shotgun near the regen (and providing a good offensive sniper's perch for one flag), a grenade-free jump is possible by jumping off of the crane behind the plasma turret. No good, you guys.

    During my game I found myself questioning the map balance. The way the power weapons are placed, whoever gets rockets is a hop away from the invisibility power-up; in a similar manner, some lucky punk gets to grab bubble shield shotgun and the overshield power-up before anybody else can reach 'em. Both of these players will start on one side of the map, a side that also has much easier access to the upper level walkways than anywhere else. That's right - an invisible rocketeer up above you. Run.

    Meanwhile, the other side of the map has a shotgun and a sniper - as far away as possible from one another, with a regen and power drain in between somewhere. This is also where the "open" area of the map is that the other people in here have been complaining about. I actually don't find this such a bad thing. It's pretty rare to see this kind of dynamic in a map, where the long and short range combat can seamlessly flow into one another. While typically a map will have "close combat" areas, bases are an example, and "long-range combat" zones, such as corridors or plains. Zeneta forces you to be ready for anything at all times. You may not have time to grab your opponent's shotgun because you have to dodge that sniper guy's would-be headshot- but here comes that dual-SMG guy...

    Speaking of the dual SMG guy, he doesn't exist. The ridiculous amount of
    power weapons is way too tempting to pick up much more than everybody's favorite short/mid range headshot machine, the Battle Rifle. There ARE the aforementioned SMGs, a couple of carbines, and supplementary Assault Rifles, but let's be honest. There're a couple of niche weapons, too- A needler, which typically loses to a Battle Rifle before the chain reaction hits, and the Brute shot, which- well, actually, that's a viable weapon on this map, because of smart weapon placement- it's on the top level, so a player could shoot down into a melee and steal all the kills ...if the Invisible Rocket guy doesn't beat him to it. And/or kill you.

    Moving on to technical: "Okahuh?" is my initial response. I really like the design, as I said before. Cool stuff, weapon placement aside. But, as cool as the design may be, some of the actual forging is a little, well... "shabby," I suppose you could say. There are bumps all over the place. They're small enough to typically not notice, but try walking down the ramp from rockets to bubble shield a couple of times for a particularly evident example. While the whole sniper tower gives a good view of the entire map, try trowing a grenade into the box, then trying to get the sniper. Odds are that you can't- the sniper has slipped down beyond your reach until it respawns. While I am not a fan of interlocking and geomerging at all, you seem to be, so perhaps you can shove those ramps down a bit, move those boxes into the wall, etc. to even out those areas. Another fault I found in the design was the difficulty of two particular jumps: Sniper to needler and bubble shield to Plasma Turret. The turret is in a position that makes vulnerable to rockets, shotguns, Battle Rifles, and snipers, yet to get to it you have to land on the width of a door, which it is entirely possible to miss when moving fast. The risk is hardly worth the reward (although I do have to admit that putting the turret up above the open field area was a great move). As far as the Sniper jump, one must jump on to the little corner to make it, and it's the only way up to the upper level on that half of the map (it's possible to jump on the vertical concrete barriers, but hardly practical).

    Huge disclaimer for the next part: I did not ever play a one flag game with my friends, so my impressions are solely based on the placement of weapons during a one flag game.

    Surprisingly, the one flag, despite being an accidentally supported by the map, seems as though it would be more balanced. One shotgun is moved from the bubble shield straight to the defender's base, who get to keep their sniper. The invisibility will still go to the offense, but the rockets will be more contested: offense gains a turret and the rockets are moved into neutral territory. Assuming two defenders can make that sniper-needler jump, the turret may be able to defend the rockets long enough to let his teammate grab rocket control. One possible problem is that the flag spawn is in the sniper box, allowing the defense to simply throw tons of grenades- they are PLENTIFUL on this map- into the box for a quick flag stop. But since the offense can use pretty much the same tactic to scare off the defense, and the flag spawn structure is pretty isolated, it goes both ways.

    I know this post is tl;dr, and I know cheshter probably thinks I hate him or something. I simply think that this map has some great potentially that it has not realized yet. Maybe take a look at it, see what you can do, release a V2- or not. It's up to you, cheshter. I'm not trying to be mean or say "lololol ur map sux0r," I just wanted to mention some legitimate complaints, so that if you wanted to improve your map or methods, you'd have something to work off of.

  12. Cheshter

    Cheshter Ancient
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    Hey acosta thansk you soo much for your review thats exactly what i needed so even if you hate me i Love you... thank you so much. anyway if you have some ideas and could help me then please please add me (wee chesh) and help me out

    Thanks again
  13. Breakout

    Breakout Ancient
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    wow acosta that was some review and as swayed me into dl this map it looks good for free for all and one flag sounds fun :D

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