I am pretty sure that a map of a similar name has been made. I just have yet to seen it. So...I made this. It took some time to do, but I made it to go along with the map varient "Dinos". No Honour rules. It is infection!!! Alpha Dinos have Grav Hammers (Simulates stomping hehehe) and a little bit of shielding. Humans have normal speed but high gravity. Also, the dinos are locked up for 45 seconds. Jurrasic Zone It is a medium map that sits in the open. A Velociraptor cage sits in the middle and proudly (but safely) displays the dinosaurs. The Visitor Center and touring vehicles lay next to it. The winding path circles the park and displays the other Dinos safely such as the mighty T-Rex. You can even hear its stomping in the distance. Of course, assuming that Chaos Theory does not occur you should all be fine. However, in case of freak storms or cage break outs, red warning signs in and outside of the Visitor Center will display for you to take shelter. A weapons facility is located next to the large fenced in T-Rex cage. But please, if at all possible, save the weapons for emergencies only. The Gun Armory lays next to the T-Rex Cage. As well as the bathroom incase you just have to go while on the tour. Please don't feed Dilophosaur, even though they can't spit. This one appears to be hiding, as if to say: "Bide your time, human..." When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth Jurassic Zone Map Varient Dinos Game Varient
i dont really get it, is it cops and robbers? infection? explain a litle more. aside from that it looks a little messy but nice.
I'm sorry, it is just the picture angle. I couldn't find a very good angle at all. It is a giant circle with an "island" in the middle and a ramp going along a radius. And no, it is no Cops and Robbers, it is infection.
so i think what your saying is that the infected start off in the cage and you can watch them but after a certain amount of time they are released and the oversheilds act as alarm lights that tell you when there out and to find shelter... correct me if im wrong pls but if thats it itlooks pretty cool ill try it out
lol I made a jurassic park map on ghost town last month, but the map still looks really fun. Another picture of the place would be nice, the first picture is kind of hard to look at.
This map sounds awesome,but could you possibly add more pics and action shots? Great job though regardless on the idea 5/5
The timed element of this map sounds really cool; I wish you had made it on one of the Legendary maps so it could take advantage of the FX to make the lights darken just as the infected (dinosaurs) can escape instead of just the overshields. Good work though, looks really cool and well made, 5/5.
Pretty good for a noob. 4/5, because I love infection and timed map events. Overall very good use of stuff seen in forge 101.
i really like the idea and even though its been used its ok cuz its still great and the map idea is good i'll dl it
I like the whole Jurassic Park feel this map has to it what with the alarms n all but a few more pics would be nice just to sell the map off.
i was talking about his map and a map i played w/ a friend which i assumed he copied but i played your map and i liked it the only problem is in the cage with the teleporter if u jump into it it'll let u out early... but other then that it was fun and a good idea
The Jurrasic Park theme is not original, but I like the layout of the map and the usage of timed events. I give it a 4/5 because your post is not extremely descriptive, which makes me feel like I won't know what to expect in the actual gameplay.