I was bored one day and went on Avalanche and started making this. It is a camp site with seats a camp fire and tents. Also including there food supply in a tree! He it is! Enjoy PICTURES The campfire The seats and campfire The whole campsite including mongooses tents campfire and seats! There food supply! MAP Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing MAP
looks decent, not much effort put into it though.... 1.5/5...UNLESS BOOM GOEST HE MIDDLE AND EVERYONE DIES>>>!!!! LOLZORZ!!!
damn missed first comment which means that i have no reason to post. because theirs nothing good about this map to talk about.
it looks like a camp and camp fire so i will give you that looks a lil simple though it would make a cool infection map if you threw some more stuff in it 3.5/5
it looks like a good camp and camp fire so i will give you 3/5 a lil simple though it would make a cool infection map if you threw some more stuff in it
yah this isnt really a map, its more of just,.... well it looks like a machinima set. interesting idea though. maybe you could make it into an infection. you know campers get eaten alive yaddah yaddah yaddah.
This looks sloppily made but with a little more work put in, It could be a nice aesthetic map. I like the idea so I'll give it a 3/5.
That would be a great idea for an infection game type. Nice Idea. That would be awesome if the zombies come at night and the effects change to some kind of dark one. This map is pretty cool. 4/5!
dont be mean dude thats not nice.....the map is good, and does look like a machinima set, which i didnt think of b4....good job!
Sdrakulich, you're right. It is great for a machinima set. It obviously isn't supposed to be a map. I Dl'ed to see If I could turn it into a fun close-quarters map.
This must of taken you very little time because there isnt anything that BOUNCES out at me when I am looking at the pics! 1/5
well normally i would write a paragraph but this map only deserves a nice. its a nice map but nothing impressive. no great feat or anything else. so good but not great.
Well, for starters you could have geomerged the walls, making the back of the tents, into the ground sideways. That would have given it a better feel.
Meh. That's the word I would use for this map. meh. Nothing special, really. You could've at least made something else around it. Although I admit, I never would've thought of using the landscape (trees, etc.) to help with the aesthetics.
No effort required, no offence, but my sister could recreate this, and she's 10! 1/5, only reason coz of mongoose + going fast + fusiol coil = big explosion
It does look like a camp although it really doesn't seem like much effort was put into this. But I guess for a map that was made for shits n giggles its alright. 1/5
Good Idea, but who camps in a place like avalanche lol, the aesthetics aren't really good either, You should make a version 2 that is bigger, and uses some more forge techniques.
i was thinking its a little ironic that the campfire was ontop of a patch of ice.... if i were u and wanted to do this i wouldve done it on stand off cuz then it would actually make sence. campfire on ice? really? yes ive heard of snowcamp but who puts a fire on top of a giant patch of ice 1/5 cuz theres nothing real special.
thats not a very safe campground..... anyways. the map doesnt really look like anything and doesnt catch the eye as a asthetic map should do its just some chairs some tents and some fusion coils..... its original no doubt but i wont be dling