looks pretty cool, I really like the colors and the lighting. It looked like a grunt when I first saw this. lol
Haha thanks. I'm really pleased with the pentools (wisps) because I've never seen them done like that before. Edited original picture into the first post.
I was probably gunna make a sig with that render lol. Its very good. Prefer the second one, the first isn't sharp enough. Love Transformers. You've got to show me how to do those borders.
NO I AM FORGEHUB'S OFFICIAL TRANSFORMERS <3'r. xD The first one is my own technique 'Sparkle' (SEKRET) and the second is just a Sharpen Edges. Anyway, when would you like me to show you how to do borders like that, it's really quite simple.
Pretty nice, at first i didn't realize that it was transformer before i saw the title, the overall flow is great and the background blends nicely and the colours go well and complement each other, the lighting works well but the render seems crowded in some place, a nice boarder and nice sig, good job, im looking forward in seeing more sigs from you.
Drax; 1. Make a new layer 2. Select the whole sig (Ctrl +A) 3. Edit > Stroke > 3px Black 4. Edit > Stroke > 2px Any Colour but black 5. Edit > Stroke > 1px Black 6. Select the 2px stroke with the magic wand, (Make sure you zoom in) and then press delete, erasing that. Make a new layer, still with the same area selected and fill it with white. Set it to Overlay. PM if you have troubles, or say here.
hey man thanks a lot! I was using Paint.NET, but it was mainly same tutorial so that was ok. Heres what I got:
well I'm going to make a transformers one after I finish watching the movie. I like it, but nothing pops out at me.
That is the same thing that came in my mind too lol I am still having trouble making out the render The effects are amazing good signature
Perfect effects. The color is OK, but I dont think green goes with transformers. Maybe blue to go with Optimus Prime?
Once again, I'll say it, the original render is in my first post. --- Meh that probably would have went better, maybe even a red to blue duo-tone. Its just that green is my favorite colour. I'm getting way better at lighting nao.
It seems that ALOT of people are having trouble with making out the render. Usually, renders are staring at the camera. ;P
Ya i had no clue wtf it was till I looked carefully. I'm not a huge fan of renders taking up the whole sig but it works really well in this one. Good sig and your right about the pen, I like the style and will probably steal it (mwahahaha).