As of today, Purple Reign has been removed from the DLC pack in favor of another map. Universally adored? Sounds good to me... maybe a remake? who knows...but bungie
I think they had this planned out the entire time. We'll think its this cool map, but its going to be different. And I say Hang 'Em High
Man, I was so going to post part 3 of shocking truth. Seems someone beat me to it. Well, IMO Moonlight Sonata = not on my faves list. I REALLY WANNA SEE PURPLE REIGN NOW!
as long as all three are good im not bothered which ones are released even though i do want a remake.
It's a classic map pack! It'll be Turf, Hang 'Em High, and Sidewinder. He uses the word 'Em to describe the map!
You haven't seen it, heard a good description of it, and you havn't played it yet. How is it already not on your favorites list?