Amazing looking map, I love the feel it gives off too. However I can't help but feel that sentinel beams don't belong on competitive maps. Other than that though this is an extremely well done map that both plays well and looks sexay.
Amazing This is really good. I still have trouble realizing how good you are at this... 6/5. I especially like the pipes, and even the simple morphed a signs so that they look like posters. Great work!
Yo this map has amazing gameplay. With balance weapons and great placement it tends for great ffa's. The merging is supurb and the map just looks amazing.
I like the use of the double and single boxes, i would suggest adding more cover in some parts of the map good job
??????... just wondering you know that's spam right. - 1 reputation. Go spam someone else's thread PLEASE. Also, this is the second spam you posted on this thread isn't it... any moderators around???
It being like Bayonework is a good thing. I know youd didn't copy it, it just means you have map skill like the creators of Bayonetwork.
Awesome map. I played it. The only downside is it's so open and there's not many good walled off areas... you can be shot from every angle...
I really want to make this clear to everyone else that looks a this thread. I respect your opinion, but from testing this map for 3 days I added so many pillars and things for cover that I had trouble finding people in a 10 person FFA. Cover isn't an opinion on this map, it's a fact that it has a great amount of it and I set it up exactly so each pillar reflects cover on different spots on the map, making it perfect for FFA, what it was meant for from the start. Actually, I used infinite budget on this map and I reached the item limit, I can't add any more cover than it already has.
Wow awesome looking map can't wait to play on the pipe looks really good excellent merging and geo merging is just incerdible 5/5
sweet map!!! 5 stars. whats ur gamertag on halo 3? mines ryanb99 ok? im working on another map so can u help me on live?
hey its me replying on your comment on my map Conjunction. its not easy to see people. great map!!! but for team slayer it wouldnt be that great because of it not being equal. from what ive seen. if its not im sorry. also im working on another map called Biohazard.
dude this map is amazing the gameplay is amazing. If you ever make a V2 you might want to fix the roadblock area. If players are mature they won't get out of the map, but some players map. you have a download. 5/5.
Wow, I doubt you need me to say anything here! I'm agreeing with everybody else here, you have an excellent map here. Excellent placement of all the structures, excellent use of the back corridor/ purple "horseshoe" base, excellent use of geomerging/interlocking, excellent, excellent, excellent.I'm impressed with your work on both the various structures, and the platform interlocking. I am surprised you included the sentinel beam/flamethrower on a competitive map (and that more people didn't point this out!) and was intrigued by your reliance on grenades as a weapon- I'll get back to this. That last point leads me into a complaint, however: the sparsity of weapons. I notice that you left the spiker and SMG unaccompanied; Though an unorthodox move, certainly not a bad one. The bigger problem, however, is the lack of weapons throughout the map. Only the sniper and needler are on the top level of any base, which draws the flow of the map down to the ground level where it is much easier to find weapons. Speaking of the flow, while the battles take place here and there, there isn't much incentive to use the "back" rooms (the hallway, purple base and the Spiker room). This seemed odd because there's good design back there, and the flamethrower is back there, ready to walk around a purple base corner and flame some noobs. Although the flamethrower works well in other areas, it's a pain to get there, and still just draws away from that area. Somebody mentioned that the grenades were too numerous; I disagree. To me, it feels as though the map is reliant on grenades much more strongly than any typical game of halo would, and while this is not necessarily bad, it's a much different dynamic than most people are used to. This map could best be described as having a distinct flavor. And it tastes like grenades. Another problem was the main pipe. Don't get me wrong, it's epic. But I think it was a bit redundant to have the hole in the middle with the instant death teleporter. The rocket-pipe jump is very difficult, gives very little tactical advantage or reward and is a highly visible movement and location. There's no reason to have that detail there, I guess, although it doesn't really hamper gameplay, so it's kind of a petty complaint. (Also on the big Pipe: I have this thing where two huge holes sometimes appear in it while playing online- does this happen to anyone else?) Again, VERY solid map here. The only thing I would change is weapon placement. Placing them on higher paths, and adding more weapons to the "back" half of the map to try to draw people towards that section. (As I write this, one more section occurred to me- the structure at the bottom of the ramp leading away from the sniper tower. It seems like some lost potential?) Keep on forging; this site could use more great works like this. P.S. With all my talk of weapon placement, I forgot to mention that I like the placement of the invisibility power-up. It's the most obvious thing in the map, so everybody knows when you get it, but once you get it, it'll probably take them long enough to find you that you're gone! Fun times!
WOW!! Nice map. 5/5 and a download from me. This looks really fun for FFA and I like the looks of it too!! Good Inter lockin + Merging + GooD Gameplay = Good map!!
Dude this is seriously one of the coolest maps ive seen in a while, looks like almost everything is geomerged. Great job 5/5
Hey thanks, and thanks Acosta for the great post, by the way for everyone that tested that map and that will be posting in the near future, the version 2 is out, and it's on this thread. The download links should now say FFA Eclipse v2, and Eclipse v2. Also, some people are thinking the FFA Eclipse is a game type. No it's not. It's the FFA version of the map, and this map is meant for FFA, but it still plays great for team games. Thanks for all your posts!