this thread is for your favorite movie quotes. Ill start off. "If people ever said money cant buy you love, well hell! they've never been to Reno." From: Out Cold
First, this should be moved to off-topic. Second, the final quote from The Dark Knight by the Joker about him and Batman fighting endlessly. It was simply magic.
pretty cool idea man, Yes i see why it should be moved to off topic but allot of these example above will be multiple quote or very long quotes im going to submit: theres some good quotes, ill add more later
Here's two good ones from Grandma's Boy: Alex: Anyway, I was wondering if maybe I could crash here for a while. Dante: Whoa, I don't know, man. I got a business to run. This is like my office as well as my home. Plus, the lion comes in a couple days. Alex: You're getting a lion? Dante: Yeah. Alex: Why? Dante: To protect my ****. Alex: Never heard of a dog? Dante: Dude, you can get past a dog. Nobody ****s with a lion. Alex: Yeah, that's true. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex: My grandma drank all my pot. Jeff: That's awesome. Alex: What? Jeff: I mean, how many people can say that in a lifetime? And here's a few from Hot Rod Denise: I'm sorry, Rod. What were you going to ask me? Rod Kimble: Um, I was gonna ask you who you think would win in a fight between... a grilled cheese sandwich and a taco. Denise: Is that what you were really going to ask me? Rod Kimble: Of course. Denise: Well, I think the grilled cheese sandwich - in a fair fight. But if it was prison rules, I'd put my money on the taco. Rod Kimble: Wow, that's pretty racist, but correct. I'll see you later. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave: Hey, Rod, thanks for the ride. [Rod sees a chuck of metal lodged in Dave's eye and they both scream] Dave: Hey, buddy. How's it going? Rod Kimble: Dave, what happened to your eye? Dave: This? Rod Kimble: Yeah! Dave: Is it really noticeable? Rod Kimble: Yeah! Dave: Oh, man, it's totally serendipitous. Well, I got off work early, and you know my buddy Derrick? Well he was like, "I've got this acid, but I can't do it." And I was all like, "Well, I'll do it." So I did it. And by the time I got on my banana board, man, I was... I was tripping balls pretty hard, man. So I decided to get on my bench grinder and a piece of metal flew up and hit me right in the eye. It was pretty awesome. And that brings us to now. Rod Kimble: Yeah, well, just try and relax. Dave: Can't do, man. Can't do. I'm gonna be honest with you, Rod. You look like a giant eagle with fire all around you and you've got a mountain for a face. Rod Kimble: I'm guessing that's the drugs, Dave. Dave: Yeah, but it's also just kind of weird seeing you drive this minivan. Rod Kimble: Yeah, well, it's my mom's. Dave: Balls, man! We just ran over a small bus. This really small bus, we just ran over it. Rod Kimble: I didn't see anything. Dave: Hey, we're here. Seriously, man, this is one of the top-ten nicest things anybody has ever done for me.
yea, i can see why your saying this should be in off-topic. but doesnt this count as general chat too? here is some more funny one's from "Out Cold": Luke: Can you get an STD from a polar bear? - Rick: Bull Mountain is our home, and I say we do something about it! Pig Pen: Yeah! It is our town! Jenny: Yeah! Barry: So you got a plan? Rick: No. Luke: [pause] I'm in. Anthony: Me too. Jenny: Let's do it! - Luke: This uniform is really cramping my Olsen Twins. Lance, Can I get a drink for Mary Kate and Ashley? - Pigpen: [holding Luke's head] Im gonna need a bucket, a paint brush, and ten pounds of salt. Lance, get his pants.
"THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!" Drillbit Taylor: Drillbit's Friend:"So, Fidel Castro did not know that his communism would cause the assassination of ronald Reagan" Students thinking "WTF?"
The Joker: [Batman slams The Joker’s head on a table] Never start with the head, the victim gets all fuzzy. _________ The Joker: [to the mob] Oh, and by the way, the suit, it wasn't cheap. You oughta know, you bought it. Two really funny quotes by the Joker from Batman: The Dark Knight IMO.
[Joker wedges a pencil into a table] Joker: Who want's to see me make this pencil disappear? [Joker grabs the back of a guy's head and impales it with the pencil lodged in the table] Joker: Ta-daaaaa. I was sooo not ready for that to happen.
Xerxes officer: Lay down your weapon! Leonidas: COME AND TAKE THEM! one of the sure to be tons of quotes from 300. there were others, but ill leave those to the people who would want to use them. id rather not use all from such a great movie, full of useable material.
From Talledega Nights: Ricky Bobby: But dad, you always said if you're not first you're last. Ricky's Dad: Son, I was high when I said that!
Boondock Saints: Greenberg: "Where you goin? NOWHERE!" Rocco: "Shut the F- up Sheri. I can't get a pack of smokes without running into 9 guys you F***ed.