Map Idea...Need replies

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pablo Zoodles, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. Pablo Zoodles

    Pablo Zoodles Ancient
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    Alright, I have an idea for a infection map (juggernaut wod work too because you are only gonna have 1 life) and its a campsite...its a pretty small one and it wod lead into a forest(which wod hopefully be confusing and maze-ish). The zombie(s) would represent bears and the humans campers (obviously). To prevent camping at the campsite(confusing i know) campers would have limited ammo and supplies are only in the forest. The bear wod be hard to kill, but not impossible.

    I need you guys to gimme suggestions on this map/game idea... i wod like quick replies because i am hoping to get a rough copy of the map done soon.
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    It sounds good, but what map would this be on? And instead of bears...make the zombie Sean Connery. It's more realistic.
  3. Pablo Zoodles

    Pablo Zoodles Ancient
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    lol....i unno....foundry mite be a lil small but its my favorite map :)
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Well Foundry might be a good map to make it on, but you have to have some excellent aesthetics to make it seem real. I'm all for the idea though. For a name, just think of a forest near you or just one you know.
  5. Pablo Zoodles

    Pablo Zoodles Ancient
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    thanks for the reply...ill make a rough copy by tomorrow and post it so i can see how it plays...mite use standoff or something more open....wod that work?
  6. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Please correct your spelling from 'wod' to 'would', it annoys me, for some reason.
    If the bear is hard to kill, camping doesnt really look like an option, the bear is strong and the 'campers' only have 1 life, so it doesnt really look like an fair game, more to quick.
  7. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Well Standoff doesn't seem like a "foresty" type area, and the uneven terrain just makes things difficult. Go for Foundry. But don't rush on the map. That always makes things worse.
  8. youngian

    youngian Guest

    well for trees you could have boxs standing on end and have like doors sticking out like a pine tree.
  9. Pablo Zoodles

    Pablo Zoodles Ancient
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    well the campers out number the bear....which WOULD make it more fair

    and thanx for the tree idea...still not sure tho
  10. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I thought we were going with Sean Connery...

  11. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    What weapons do the campers and bears have, if it's all short rong and stuff like that, the bear could easily kill a couple in one go.
  12. Pablo Zoodles

    Pablo Zoodles Ancient
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    campers wod probly start off with magnums...and have to go into the forest and get better stuff
  13. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    This is the part of the map that wins. Also, the "bear"(Sean Connery) can start in a cave with the sword/hammer combo, and find his way through the forest, which would be like a repetitive maze.
  14. Pablo Zoodles

    Pablo Zoodles Ancient
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    that was the idea...also if i have enof room i mite, MITE, put like a hunters cabin out in the forest that the campers have to get to of maybe even a guy spawns there and gets a lil advantage(just a sniper rifle and a good spot to defend himself)
    1 person likes this.
  15. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I think ghost town would be a good option for this, it has a ton of wood-skinned objects at your desposal. You could also interlock the towers and creat a sort of foresty look with all the bars that stick down. the bear could spawn in the back caves and the campers spawn in the opposite corner of the map or something. plus there's already a lot greenery there.
  16. Pablo Zoodles

    Pablo Zoodles Ancient
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    Only problem is the buildings....this is y i really want a huge BLANK map, but foundrys the closest thing

    anyways im off for now....thanx for the advice and will check bak later for more
    #16 Pablo Zoodles, Aug 15, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
  17. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    snowy camping on avalanche then? Idk that's kind of hard to do as there isn't really too many large open maps at our disposal.
  18. Pablo Zoodles

    Pablo Zoodles Ancient
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  19. chavet

    chavet Ancient

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    It would be fun if players cooperated and not be really gay i think its fabulous try to forge it it might work. 5/5 on the idea.
  20. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    Hmmm, it's a alrite idea, it might work alot better if made on Farcry. Maybe more people will post on this thread and take you seriously if you used better grammer, that's a start.

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