HQ: by Shadows Demise

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Shadowsdemise, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. Shadowsdemise

    Shadowsdemise Ancient
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    I have created a luxurious headquarters suitable for clan meetings or whatever fits your fancy
    It comes fully equipped, including a fenced in area for combat training and etc,

    It also has a meeting table that seats 14 people

    It has two offices for those higher in rank clanwise, or just an office for business

    It has 10 beds for overnight stay
    It has an elevator to the upper story
    It has 4 mounted turrets on the upper story
    It comes equipped with indoor plumbing
    It comes with one gauss warthog for driving practice
    Finally it comes equipped with an above ground outdoor swimming pool
    Enjoy the Hq and may it last you a long time - Shadows Demise
    Map Variant->Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
  2. NarutoHaloFan13

    NarutoHaloFan13 Ancient
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    I outta map somthin like this....2.5
  3. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    This looks OK, but some interlocking would really improve it. Interlocking at first was just for aesthetics, but most people use it throughout their map for smooth gameplay and general aesthetic quality. If you don't know how, go to forging 101 and check it out.
  4. ZOMG

    ZOMG Ancient
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    I made a map just like this before. For my clan ZOMG. I am a leader. Well this looks cool. lol, indoor plumbing!!
  5. StRiKeRj94

    StRiKeRj94 Ancient
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    I do believe your title is only supposed to have the title, not who its by. But I give your map a 2/5 for the attempt. Check out Forging 101 for tips on interlocking and other things.
  6. ThPerfectDrug77

    ThPerfectDrug77 Ancient
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    haha goofy idea. i don't think i'd ever use it, but i like it nonetheless. nice job
  7. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    This looks sweet! This will definitely motivate me to build a headquarters map. Awesome job and brilliant idea!
  8. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Ok, this map has several problems.

    One being the thread.
    Two being the map which I will go into detail.

    I can’t say much about the interlocking, because it sucks. Balls. Don’t go and cry. If you have everyone kissing your feet then you will never make legendary maps and will always wonder why you never get so many download. The roof was good until I saw the one interlocked box that threw away every aesthetic from the roof; I just see all these regular un-interlocked walls and Bam! One box is interlocked with the rest. It ruined the roof in my opinion.

    Umm the map was empty, did you have to put nothing inside, and there are no rooms, just an empty room with dumpsters for some sort of table. Then the bathrooms, sorry but bathrooms are old. I don’t mind them but simply the bathrooms alone won’t get everyone excited to download. The pool was even messy, could you have at least lined up the barriers correctly…

    Some might say I’m rude, but before you put the mouse over the rep system think about this… Do you think I’m hurting him or trying to help him improve…? IF I was trying to hurt him I would have just complained and left without giving advice. Also I’m just one guy; it won’t matter if my opinion is cruel. Does one opinion really change someone forever?
  9. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    I really don't get the point of this map. It reall doesn't do anything, there are no weapons, its not interlocked, there are "practice" tools, but nowhere to practice... This is basically an empty map for peopel to join so they can have 16 player voice chat... No offense, but I would rather actually play on a real map while talking to my friends/clan members than sit in a big empty map and goof around... Sorry, but 1/5.
  10. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    this looks like it would be really good for machinima
    Is that what you had in mind?
  11. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    I understand that you were only making a map strictly for casual purposes rather than gameplay. However, if you make a map like that, you need to make it look as good as you possibly can if you want people to like the map. I liked the idea though. 3/5. As mentioned above, it would go well with a machinima.

    Edit: I probably should say what needs to be improved. Well, I don't see any interlocking in the map, or any noticible interlocking at least. I think the map is big enough, but it needs a little more scenery to make it look more like an HQ. I don't know if you already did this, but you should have used the infinite money glitch to get all the objects you needed.
    #11 Master Debayter, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2008
  12. zero inx

    zero inx Ancient
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    I've gotta say this is a valiant first effort, but it falls flat on it's face. Firstly more interlocking would have gone down VERY well, it separates the **** maps from the good ones. Secondly, if you didn't set up the map for any gametypes it belongs in the Aesthetic maps section. The pool also looks sloppy compared to the thousands of clones out there. Overall 2/5 for the effort
  13. camel assassyn

    camel assassyn Ancient
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    Its ok i like it

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