ok so i saw the idea of the covenant shotgun so i went to photoshop and i bring you!! CovieShotty With Scope CovieShotty No Scope CovieShotty With Needler Ammo
Looks like you took the halo 2 models and just merged them into eachother with a 3d modeling program like 3dsmax.
AA vehicle/Turret. It would be good against infantry and Air units but extremely weak against vehicles and heavy weaponry
is it really? lol i searched for Halo 3 Shotgun on Google EDIT: yea i looked at the site and it is... it still looks cool though
yeah that would be a great weapon as long as the metal wasnt there and it didnt look as much like a sniper
it doesnt look like the sniper.. i took off the scope and the bottom part so it looks alot more like a shotgun
I designed a map centered around a setion of the grand canyon that is now cut of from the surrounding flooded southwest by massive walls due to global warming I made it in the free software program "google sketchit" and can imbed picturesof it if you guys want
1) An F-4 Phantom (A Jet) It would be really fast and the only way that one could really destroy it is either a rocket launcher or a missile pod!
the vulture A plane that drops bomb can only hurt you if at drops a bomb BUT the bomb only hurt if your shields are alredy down hence the name
i would want to make a huge map. kinda like 5 sandtraps long and have it "covies vs. spartans" on the elite side, a phantom with various weapons and vehicle's of the elite nature. on the spartan side 2 pelicans with various wepons and vehicles of the spartan nature. this would be one epic BTB
LOL! How about the monitor from campaign that follows you around and anyone who hurts you he lazers them with his eye mg:
A unicycle with mounted missile pods. Has a driver, gunner, and rider seat. It has a bell, not a horn.