[SIZE=+2]MLG Amplified[/SIZE] Download Creators: Fritzster & Zak Boo Current Version: “MLG Amp v5.1” Played Within Honorable Mentions: MLG’s 2008 Pro Circuit, Bungie’s Halo 3 Matchmaking MLG Playlist Release Date: 03-10-2008, 07:39 AM Thread Source Video & MLG Media Spotlight: Updated** Stride Championship Series: Instinct vs Classic - One of the top performances played on Amplified and my personal favorite from Roy. MLG Live Broadcast Youtube: MLG Orlando - Championship Bracket MLG San Diego - Winner's Bracket MLG Orlando - Winner's Bracket MLG Pro Teams Scrimmage - Karma's POV My Own Gameplay: MLG Amplified Maniac Video - Halo 3 Game - MLG Game Room Pictures: -- Original Description on Initial Release: (MLGpro.com) Influenced by the Safeguard Concept design, reaching about 2 weeks (1 month since concept), the creation of the "Real Deal" AKA "Magnum" Final map stage for us has been kept secretive, that is until now. Amplified is Considered to be our best map-to-date. We put our lives in a cave for 2 weeks, our friends know, and now we have finally come to say that we created a truly innovative map for fellow Competitive Gamers to game on. We have done a ton of research from MLG maps to other Maps in the community. Balancing the gameplay to geometry to the appearance of visual presentation are just a few to name. We hope our hard work balancing Amplified Map pays off. Our Goal was to create a kickass map. You will see things on this map to the degree that where not thought possible on other maps - Geometry glitched through the Map geometry itself. The use of the extra resources where the walling off is not needed. With painstaking precision a clean presentation on not only looks and resources, but also game play, this is Amplified's specialty and the rising of the bar for more maps to come. -- New Update as of Wednesday, June 25, 2008: MLG Amp v5 vs. Amp CTF Beta (center pics) MLG Amp v5 center: Amp CTF Beta center: The new v5 of Amp CTF Beta has a different center on Gold side then previous Amp CTF Beta versions, it's not as thick and doesn't hog up as much LOS as the two over cumbersome double boxes, purple side has worked within testing and has stayed. 3 respawn points were added to each four corners now making 36 respawn points in total. -- Update** Disclaimer: Amp CTF Beta has been on hold for some time. General Matchmaking versions of Amplified are now in production of testing. Amp CTF Beta v5 Created by Fritzster Supported Gametypes: MLG CTF Map Description: The CTF version of MLG Amplified has been worked on and play tested. So here I present some good Forge-Foundry CTF gameplay - The Amplified CTF Beta v5. There are Spawn and Geometry changes from MLG's v5 launch. After the Pro Gaming performance on MLG Amp v5 at MLG San Diego I got to talk and discuss with Pros about what they thought about the Team Slayer variation concerning Amplified, and also a small chat with Bungie's Shishka. It is apparent that any Team Slayer on any Foundry map isn't as strong as gametype most would hope for. CTF, from my knowledge, plays the best on arena style foundry maps such as mine. Amp v5 center is not fit for CTF gameplay, thus the CTF Beta is made. Spawns are a big if not the biggest element of making good maps. With CTF the spawn areas for each team, the opportunities to spawn are only in half the map. For a symmetrical map both teams should not spawn on split sides (Purple and Gold) - that would indeed cause bad spawning, for both team could potentially spawn on the same side (Purple or Gold) as found out in previous testing for CTF on maps. Amp CTF Beta v2 has 12 respawn points on each teams spawn zones. The respawns go from the pushed back location of docks level 2 in a straight line toward the other side of the teams base - to Purple corners. The 4 respawn point in bases take advantage of the straight-away down the middle, team strategy for MLG CTF. Game play plays similar to CTF on Midship. More decisions to take the opponents flag are clearly in the map, however, risk verses reward - down the straight vs. long safe hallways. Top level 3 sees everything on the flip side level 1 is safe and sees nothing, communicating on Amp CTF Beta will win games. This contrast fills the map and is booming with custom angles for better gameplay. Amplified's aesthetic geometry still sets the bar from forge limitations. Geoglitching and intertwining is this map's second nature. And the Gameplay for CTF has been awesome from the testing. Fast paced and balanced for CTF. _________________________________________________ There are Spawn and Geometry changes in v2. v2 images removed as Amp CTF Beta has been updated three more times to v5. _________________________________________________ I have spent the majority of my Sunday building concepts off of my previous Amplified map files for MLG, that I would create a middle structure that fits with the rest of Amp's already well positioned geometry and continue the flow. I believe I nailed it with a good middle for CTF gameplay. Looking for constructive feedback on spawns and improvements on middle geometry changes. Plays the same CTF gametype file for MLG Ons - can also be found in my files share as CTF Amp Send me a message if anyone is interested in continuing play testing for CTF on Amplified. Download Amp CTF Beta v5 Download CTF Amp Gametype
I don't see why people don't like this map, I personally love. It's just so pretty... I'll try this out, hopefully everyone doesn't yell at me... Bbl with details.
Fanfabulous interlocking, very proffesional, but in my mind un-original. Ever since bungie put that one foundry MLG map in MLG everyone has been doing MLG maps with the same geometry. The map looks good, but no offense I'm not going to download it. Excluding the un-originality, 5/5
It looks pretty awesome. Im just not a big fan of maps of this kind of crazy design. I might check it out.
the map looks interlocked very well the back peace in the middle looks great for fighting and how each side is the same make the map look well balanced capture the flag probably would be sweet for it like you have it
The bridges in top middle of red base are a little bumpier than at blue base and pop you up, so that probably needs to be smoothed down to be equal both sides as I'd have thought BR battles across the map between teams would favour blue base at the moment - their aim is less interrupted. That's the only geometry niggle I saw when I looked through it quickly earlier. I'll be playtesting later in the week so expect more feedback on the spawning system you're using.
Looks great, you're really proud of that middle merge aren't you? rofl, i just noticed there were like 8 pictures of that and only one of each base xD
Since it has officially been adopted by MLG in their pro circuit on 5.16.2008 I didn't Post pictures of MLG Amp v5 version (is now been updated to MLG Amp v5.1) in hopes many people already know what it looks like. I Concentrated this thread to be focused with the CTF Beta and it's new center on a playable CTF Gametype on Amp. I'm not promoting my already established work with MLG, just the CTF variation on my own time, however here is a link to the MLG Amp v5.1 for those who missed it. Halo 3 and R6V2 Game Type Changes for Orlando | Major League Gaming I have updated today! The new center is in map file "Amp CTF Beta v5" and I have for a more clearer understanding of differences in MLG Amplified versions/ Amplified CTF Beta - posted a couple of pics in OP that show the difference between the TS/KoTH Amp vs. CTF Amp. Re download and enjoy some CTF. Thanks Guys!
I played on this map last night and the gameplay was terrible.There barley any cover and if you had the flag were screwed because you just got br'd by everyone.The original is just fine for CTF.
Great Job, always need more MLG CTF maps. 5/5 Great job making the map in the first place although some on Xbox Live don't realize that Bungie didn't make Amp.
It is a very good map, but I don't like the beta. The old center was more impressive to me. Don't get me wrong, the new design looks cool, but not as cool as the old one. 4.5/5 for the beta.
Fritzster, you might want to update your link to the CTF Beta variant; the current one to your bnet post doesn't work. It's HERE for all that are looking to download the Amp CTF Beta version.
Thanks for catching that for me =) I have no idea why BNet posts randomly expire like that. It's fixed now.
First of all, great to have you here, been playing Amp in TGIF's and on the Playlists for a while now, so it's nice to finally have the chance to give my opinions/ask questions. Anyway, first of all, I understand your decision to change the central structure to allow for a much more open centre, but why did you make centre so small, and why leave literally no cover beneath the bridges? I know that you want it to be a risky escape through bottom mid, but I think a little bit of cover would make it that much more tantalising for players to take. Secondly, you said that Top purple allows for full sight of the map with little cover, but what about yellow side? it has little cover and an even small range of sight, therefore smarter players (when setting up and taking the flag) would avoid it because it is inferior to Purple and therefore (due to spawn set-up) would allow the opoposing team to continuosly spawn there, or in their base in danger. All of that is theoretical, I have not checked to see if it is true yet, but if I could get a response I would be very grateful.
There were budget limits and still budget issues with that concerning the center. I thought about simply adding geomerged half 45 degree corner walls in front of each base, red and blue, forming an "X" of pathways in the center becoming version 6 of the beta. There's no way I'm redoing what I've already done with the sides and bases without starting a new maps and things outside of forge, which I have done, multiple times. (As nerdy as it sounds, I'm releasing previews with a new forge tool you guys here could end up being fond of.) There were already four versions of the center to work with about $80 on top of very limited useful resources such as two double boxes, two single boxes, and 3 bridges etc. V5 is by far the best gameplay/aesthetics. Long story short, I felt as if I didn’t want to spend another chunk of hours/days anymore on Amplified and move on, that map has already been from coal to diamond - metaphorically, so leaving it at the unsupported beta CTF. To answer the rest of your questions, yes its middy influenced down the middle is the fastest but also the most risky. Top purple sees the most and the flip to contrast yellow is broader in cover through level one and level two but also father away from the bases. Purple one is designed with the geomerged walls at angles not only for nade points but also line of sights. LOS if very thin on purple one but also deals with the risk vs. reward theory of gameplay I had envisioned for the CTF beta. I know the one picture doesn't tell much but you can see a lot of level one from purple airplane versus the thicker distant yellow, much like middy - carbine vs. pink. Sorry to write so much... Yes good teams would in fact use middle or purple because there is setup involved - pressuring on the respawns while at the same time escaping and capturing a flag the fastest. If your team can do that, that’s the best option. Same mentality goes for most unskilled teams on both sides - ironically the faster the better, ending up in bad experiences through gameplay. Through testing of Amp CTF Beta V5 the sides were balanced and ready to pro test, just never happened because of how late MLG v5 settings were added, and how early I had this completed, so I move on. Maybe we could someday test and I'd come back and finalized ...another... eye plucking... migraine enduring... version of amplified. For now look for more good things to come.