Don't know what the story is, but it's better than your 360 giving you red rings of death. And even if you did get them, one of your friends probably wouldn't take it back to their place where they have that canned air stuff to "get the dust out" and end up disassembling it piece by piece and putting it back together again. Those were some miserable weeks. But uhh, you're not missing out on much. Like I said, the Matchmaking system is acting like Halo just came out. It sucks, and you're probably better off waiting.
when the heck did this happen 0.o? hmm I shall try it out tomm. but hopefully it doesn;t suck to badly cause BTB was all i played
Nothing. There wasn't so much a playlist update as them adding a playlist. Really, there's nothing else. There's also nothing more that's significant which has been announced until the first Auto Update. QFT
OH MY GOD! Just imagine, IMAGINE, the ownage we would get if we had an organized team! Be unstopable unless we met someone else with an organized team. Also, Codexx, that was me who got the RRoD and broken Halo 3 disc. But, my mom got like 4 grand today and going to buy me a new 360 and Halo 3!