Re: I'll post mine in 6 days...when it's recorded. Then I have a couple more awesome stuff to show after that.
Re: its been two days and it still hasn't uploaded my video, still waiting for an email...
Re: GeeVee is going to be great once they get it out of beta. I get the feeling it's somewhere between manual and automatic. They probably got it to download the videos, play them, and then delete them automaticly. Then they just start the recording software each time one starts and it requires minimum work. However, until it's out of beta, I'm going to stick with doing it myself. Actualy, it doesn't have to be nearly as difficult or expencive as people make it out to be, see? Tim
Alright, here it is... My most awesomest game ever! Well, it's a pretty good game, I got REALLY lucky that whole game. Watch and enjoy. I tried highlighting the action packed sections, because there's awesome parts, and then parts between the awesome parts where I'm just walking around doing nothing but waiting. And yes, i got MVP that game. In fact, I got the MVP Achievement from that game.