This thread is devoted to asking about the careers people have or the careers they want to have. I want to be a cinematographer/Director.
I think two threads of this sort have been written before, but oh what the hey. I work for Mad Catz Inc. but I wanna get more involved in animation and/or game art and design.
I really don't know what I want to be right now but to sum it up - Something that will change people's lives in a good way.
I haven't yet thought of my career. But when I do its going to be something awesome. Right now I'm just working at a cookie company. *Great American Cookies*
normally i would write paragraphs and pages for all my posts but for this one there isn't much i can say, at the moment im just finishing school and i have no idea what to do, im aware that i should get a part time job soon, but for the rest of my life, im not sure, i feel you should pick one that suites you best, For myself, something to do with art because i was voted best at art in my school so... i don't know ill up date this one
i don't have a job...i need a job really bad.....but in the long run, i want to have my own business. like a coffee shop or maybe a venue where bands play.
id like to be in architechtural design, but design things that are huge, and complex, and amazing. think arches, half arches, high ceilings, and wonderfull usage of window views. id like to design things that people will say wow, this is wonderful. thats what id like to do. and art has always come naturally to me, so aside from the really hard daily stuff, the design side shouldnt be tooo difficult.
You should read some things about Frank Lloyd Wright. What you described reminds me of his style. You can learn a lot from other people's work.
In the future, I plan on becoming a Nuclear/Chemical/Biomedical engineer. Possibly join Airforce. My dreams as a kid, actually my whole life was to fly for NASA. But on a realistic level, i'd just like to be an engineer.
I would be a cinematographer if I had infinity money and hamburgers, but I would rather be a lawyer. In reality money>side hobbies.
I'd liek to be a guitarist in a band. I work on playing my guitar alot and would like ot take it inot a career.
Well, In the beginning I wanted to own my own restaurant. A gourmet sea-food restaurant on a lake side or the ocean side. Something to do with a lighthouse as a theme seeing how they're slowing getting destroyed. Although after I had a bad experience in the food service, I figured that I would want to change my major and go into graphic arts. I want to study a general area in graphics so I could do a mixture between gaming and advertisements. Personally I would rather work for a soda company or a restaurant seeing how I like the bright colors that they usually use. In videogames, if I trained for using the programs to do textures and character renders, I would be happy. Actually, I kinda wanna work for Bungie, but any gaming company will do.
I wanna become the best forger in the whole wide world and then sell my maps for five dollars each!!! Lolz!!! No, but I would like to become a musician or a band teacher for highschoolers. I am the best clarinetist and bari saxaphonist in the county, clarinet possibly the whole state, I haven't auditioned for All-State yet. I'm first chair in the All-County band for clarinet, bari sax in jazz.