NAME: Afiction GAME TYPE'S: Racing (provided at bottom) CREATOR: huntaro002 (First ever race map!) DESCRIPTION: Fly off jumps, and zig-zag your way to the check points. RULES: No cutting the track. Do anything necessary to get to the check-points before rival's. PICTURES: Starting area. 1st jump to a steep incline. 2nd jump to shields. 3rd jump to sky deck. 4th jump over start to stairs. The hallway. Last burm. Burm and final jump. *NOTE* on the 3rd jump hit it slowly or else you will fall and have to try the jump again. [COLOR=Black]STAY TUNED:[/COLOR] [SIZE=3]I am currently uploading a video of the track. I'm saying this now, im in the video and im not a good driver d: [COLOR=Red][B][SIZE=4][URL=""]MAP HERE[/URL] [URL=""][COLOR=Black]GAME HERE[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=""]Watch video.[/URL] [/SIZE][/B][SIZE=4][COLOR=Black][SIZE=1]Created: Friday, August 15, 2008[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
wow dude this looks like a really good racing map dude. i'll have to give it a whirl. by the way nice work with the arrows for directions
Ya this racing map looks awesome! The arrows look great and its a great way to help people who don't know there way around the track! Great map! 5/5! keep up the great racetracks!
very nice map, i like all the jumps and turns, there arnt many of those in race maps. (well since ive been saying that there have been more and more.)
Looks like a really cool looking map. I would love to race on here. Some of your interlocking on the turns could be improved, but it looks very well thought out. I would rate this 3.75/5
Looks fun to mess around, but yea, it needs interlocking and needs to be more smooth and not spontaneous.
thanks for the arrows and also im needing some ractracks to study so ican make some of my own thanks!
Looks cool, i liked the last note that you sed u weren't good at driving (but u made a racing course.... wtf? =P) GJ, 5/5