THIS MAP WAS INTENDED FOR BIG TEAM BATTLE ONLY The BFB stands for Big F'n Battle, in other words, it has alot of vehicles, the map series was made to replase the current 'Heavy' maps we see on big team battle today on matchmaking, why you might ask i would do such a thing? this of it this way... in sand trap & valhalla heavy, it's almost completly pointly to get in vehicles, why? ohhh idk.. maybe because there are 4 SPARTAN LASERS ON EACH MAP! which is probably the stupidest thing you can ever do! The BFB DOES feature 1 spartan laser on each BFB map (more comming soon) because it is so powerful and valuable Weapons list: + spawn times 1 spartan laser - 90 secs 2 missile pods - 45 secs 2 rocket lauchers - 30 secs Vehicle list: 2 guass worthog - 60 secs 2 worthog - 20 secs 2 scorpions - 90 secs 2 wraiths -60 secs 2 prowlers - 20 secs 8 mongeese - 10 secs - (not all in just the bases trust me i planed it out) 2 ghosts - 20 secs 2 choppers - 20 secs 1 hornet - secret location 2 banshees - 45 secs Pics: In each elephant there are a couple of tricks and secrets you wont normally find on maps A small sighting of the secret hornet on each side of the map there is 2 banshees but each team must do a little travle to get to each base 1 and base 2 you can download the gametype here: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Thank you and please give me all your feedback about the map, and what you might want in BFB 2! & also... please try out the map before you make any suggestions or negative comments, and if it's about the laser, do not post, nothing will be changed about the laser period.
idk im not much of a person for vehicles ecspecially in BTB because a lot of people like to splatter you an it honestly gets prett bad after a while but from wut i see it looks ok i give u a 3/5
thanks for the great ratting :/ anyway, on this map it's almost completly impossable to get splattered on this map because... EVERYONE will most likely be in a vehicle also again to everyone please DL and try out the map before you post If you would like to be set up with an 8 vs 8 to try out the map, send me a FR and ill find as many people as possible for the map's true carnage experience. Thank you! well also this map is for Big team battle, so if you not really a fan i would recommend posting about it just to save time...
Dude, you have more than half of the posts. On your own thread. You triple posted. And stop saying "DoWnL044d plawks" in every post. It makes you look stupid. And what he meant by taking pictures in Forge is that you can see respawn points and object markers (the little cone). Welcome to Forgehub!