can someone please say reasons that photoshop is better than fireworks or should i use gimp i want a good way to make good sig photos plaease be specific when giving rasons
it all depends on what you need it for. for simple things like fun pictures on here it really shouldn't matter what you use. thats being said... there is a reason why photoshop is used by every design professional... it has no limits! fireworks is a decent program and it tries to make things easier, but there is no way to compare the masking. fireworks uses more vectors and does simplify coloring but just can't do it all like photoshop. it basically comes down to what you like. i learned to draw with illustrator and to add effects with photoshop so thats how i do it. i was taught to use indesign for text and layouts. there is a lot of great programs that are not adobe also! when doing texture mapping... maya is a fun program for example.
I would definitely say photoshop. It's probably the best out there and has so many great tools to use. I don't have it, but I know about it and may get it soon.
Photoshop. It's the best photo editing program on the planet, but if you aren't doing stuff with graphics or you're only going to buy it and use it for a month, then get GIMP. It's probably the closest thing to Photoshop... From what I hear.
if you have the money (or not, depends on your morals, mine are horrible hint hint) photoshop over fireworks. Personally from using both i think photoshop is a bit more new-user friendly and it has a bit more capabilities
fireworks is another photo editing tool by adobe and guys what about adobe illustater what is that OK i am installing photoshop cs3 as we type
Adobe Illlustrator is heavily based on mathematical formulas in creating vector art. It's not the type of program a beginner would have much purpose using. I hope you purchased Photoshop.