It's alright. Spongebob needs a little work around the edges, the earbuds need a little bit of definition and the iPod looks, well honestly terrible. 3/5
The ipod looks more like a knock off brand because of the huge screen but besides that its really good
... Sprongebob Squarepants... I'm not goining to critisise it as i coundt make it myself, if you are / were thinking of editing it I (myself) would probably make the i pod emblem into a pinable with a hole in it ( ^_^ ) Agreeing with 4v3ry (sorry 4v3ry, no quote) the screen is too big, unless it is new under water Ipod comming out?
damn people are kind harsh. It's pretty good. If your using gimp, when using the color dump tool (or whatever tool you used) make sure to click feather edges so it looks better.