Well this is bunker canvas map with a premade bunker, it has 336$, a mg, arty(immobilized gauss) and two bunkers with shooting zones and a barracks area u can make a very intense map with this. So yeah, here is the dl link and please please use this map to make ur bunker maps, i made it for u also there is no spawns so u can make ur own spawnsettings and stuff Click here Overveiw of the Bunker Canvas Here is the arty bunker The mg bunker Once in side th bunker area, there is a teleporter u go in it u go to the top of the arty bunker, have fun and happy forging from sgt.pepper Click here to download Plz comment and dl
so is this a map, or a map for people to build off of, do you want other people to finish it for you, whats is it?
Cool looks like it could be used with a gametype I made called storm the fort I like the look of the turret bunker
kind of an odd post then, did you just not finish a map, or was your idea to make a canvas the whole time, also, more pics of actually inside the bunker would be good.
well i made it just for that and i decided to make a canvas from the start and to the second i tried but it wasnt workin ill try agin soon but i dont know
I think this was a kind of cool idea. You made a bunker for anyone to build off of. While that was nice of you, most people will want to build their own maps from scratch.
i dont think very many people are going to use this...but looks like a good bunker if you just changed the door roof or what ever that is in the last pic and put some cover outside it could be a decent infection map
There are many bunker maps, around forgehub, and there is sure to be more, but the mg base dose look a bit sloppy, or another word i can't think of, instead of using those doors you could of used walls to make the roof more Asenthetic-ly pleasing, speaking of Asenthetic shouldnt this be in the Asenthetic maps? because it is a canvas and unplayable (at the moment) Edit: And it would be better uf the warthog was covered with objects, with only the Gauss Turret showing giving it a: Im not a veicle I'm a turret kind of feel
Ya dude you should of made a map on this Bunker Canvas because it would of been really cool! Just add a bit more cover on the outside of the bunker and then add an infection variant for the map and it would be a really cool map! Good Job! 5/5
kinda im saying that if you did what i said and made an infection like map even a defender and attackers base would get you more downloads then having a just a bunker canvas... just sayin only a few people who would want this
ya im currently working on a map using this thats called D-Day and yes i want it to be this, yes its on foundry im makeing it beastly so dont comment on this map on how stupid of a idea it is
This map is not stupid, actually quite the contrary. Your D-Day map is going to be awesome! My only recommendation is to have a second floor so it feels like the attackers have no chance while the defenders are owning them with snipers and BRs through the top floor windows, just so it is kind of realistic and it looks and feels like D-Day, just a recommendation though. Regardless the map would be awesome either way!
yeah but u know on d-day all the dead people are only about 5000 mainly on omaha and juno beaches, juno was almost as bad as omaha but omaha had more dad but juno had more wounded so it was pretty even and omaha they were stuck for 2 or 3 days and on juno 2 days, so yeah