Predator Vs Prey Created by S Shady1000 In these conditions, survival or death are the only options. 6-10 Players reccomended. Use Predator gametype. Base: ___-.Blackout Supported Gametypes: Custom Gametype(s) Description: A fast paced infection game. Keep your eyes people if you want to have any chance of surviving. Always stay in groups... That is, if you want to survive longer. There's two zombies (I made it to where you can have up to four for maxium terror). Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ ___ ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Pictures- Prey gets OWNED! Gets OWNED again! 11:59 P.M. 12:00 The predator is coming for YOU Who will win? Never saw it coming I see somthing moving A regenerator is your only night light Where'd he come from!?!? Revenge for killing his buddy Map- Prey Gametype- Predator
Hello and welcome to forgehub. I hope that you will continue to be a part of this community and will be active. However, your post is not up to forgehub standards. You must have your images embedded. Please read this topic for more information about correct posting format. If you need help with embedding pictures, follow these instructions. You must first access them from your screenshots section in your Halo 3 profile. Then, save them to your computer. You must use and external image hosting site, such as imageshack. Upload the images then select them. It should provide and image url for you, then take that url and insert it into the text box that appears when you click the image icon while posting. Good luck with your post, and if you need any further assistance please PM me or a forgehub moderator..
well im srry to say not up to standards yadda yadda yadda click here for page how to embed 1. Save the picture onto your computer by right clicking it and pressing save as... 2. Go to: 3. Once there click Browse. 4. Search for the saved picture. It'll be where ever you saved it. 5. Double click the picture to select it. 6. Press "host it!". 7. Scroll down once it bring you to the next screen. 8. Copy everything in the "Hotlink for forums (1)" box. 9. Paste it in your post.
Thanks for telling me how to post pictures. I was really wanting to. It's my first map post, thats why I didn't know since i didn't have to do that before. Thanks Again!
I think you could make amore indepth description of the map and gametypes since your pictures are to small and to dark to see the map.