Map: well i built this map because i didn't see any one build any dodge ball maps and i always wanted one so i gave in and built one for 4 hours then tested it with friends and i also built the game variant for it so here it is the official dodge ball map. Hope you all enjoy it as much as me and my friends =) Well this game has a twist to. As many of you no most dodge ball maps you played you ran out of lives well i made it so when u died you got a full view of the court but you wont cause any damage and you can root ur team on and fling green stuff at the enemy team because they got you out. =) Dodge ball game variant you must have if you want to play!! Or you can make your own settings but you have to have it on multi flag. Game variants: Dodge ball king of the hill. Dodge ball slayer And the original. [img width=640 height=360][/img] [img width=640 height=360][/img] [img width=640 height=360][/img] [img width=640 height=360][/img] [img width=640 height=360][/img]
Re: Dodge ball on Foundry I will post pics on Monday it bed time here and i cant do them tonight as i have to go to bed and i didn't have room on my share now i do
Re: Dodge ball on Foundry Green cucumbers?!?!?! :squirrel_wtf: Anyway, sounds itnteresting, but you must not have looked very hard, bcuz there are lots of Dodgeball maps out there. Also, does this rely on honor rule? Because you would want to not use those. I'll check back when there are pics. - :squirrel_rocking:
Re: Dodge ball on Foundry not really does it rely on honer rules as its hard to jump over the barrier and they will kill u in a second
Re: Dodge ball on Foundry Right, but it is still possible so even if they will die fast, they could easily take you out too. Kind of cheap. Anyway: I repeat, "Green cucumbers?!?!?! :squirrel_wtf:"
Re: Dodge ball on Foundry I'll also check back when there are pictures. You might want to check out my dodgeball map (link in sig) or xxtexashornxx's dodgeball map if you're in the market. Neither of them rely on honor rules (except grenade jumping in mine). Mine uses portals to keep players on either side while tex's has a pit and high-gravity. Just to let you know that they're out there. Also, feel free to add me (GT=forum name) if you want to play some dodgeball. I'm always down.
It looks decent. You should check out Texashorn's map. There are no honor rules. I am also working on one of those. I like your idea of the veiwing boxes though.
Yeah, this is pretty much your standard dodgeball map... I do like the viewing areas... but not as much as my stadium seating, lol. It looks a lot cleaner than most of the others out there, though. Maybe xxtexashornxx and I will add this to the world dodgeball tour mapset... if we ever make one, lol.
This seems a little like my map 'Nades and your name seems a little similar to mine...Coincidence? Anyway good job building, cept dodgeball maps are really getting old.