I don't think that it's offensive to gays, as it never depicts the man's sexual orientation. Not only that, but it's freaking hilarious...
I really don’t see why. I think it’s offensive mostly to effeminate male speed walkers, and Mr T. But regardless of sexual orientation, any guy who exercises like this in public has balls. Many homosexual males speed walk and In the ad, Mr. T doesn't comment on the guy's sexuality at all. He just says that speed-walking looks ridiculous, and adds the old-fashioned and admittedly politically incorrect opinion that a "real man" would run instead. I just feel people shouldn't take it seriously because if you don't look for a problem your never find one. In my opinion it should be stayed banned not because i find it offensive or to gays but the fact because a lot of people complained and i know if it was directed to me i would want it banned.
*facepalm* Banning it IS stereotyping gays, therefore being offensive. It didn't say he was gay at all.
Exactly. You shouldn't give them special treatment just because they're gay. That just makes it seem like they're different than us, when in the whole view of things, they're not.
That doesn't look offensive at all, but if you were stereotypicall(spelling?) about yourself, I can understand...
In no way should that video be offensive. One its obviously a joke. And two it doesn’t tell us the man’s sexual preference. I’m going to guess that to most people who see that commercial, the thought that the man is gay won’t even cross their mind. Plus they are saying that they are offended because of a stereo type that people have of them. That’s like Asian’s getting angry at the white tea commercials because the farmer guy was Asian and offensive.
its not that offensive but the fact that he says "get some nuts" might be offensive to neuterd dogs and in rare cases men lol. seriously though its not offensive but I wouldnt know im not gay.
Guys I changed my mind. I don't know if I can do that but I just did. I saw the comercial in a new light. What if the roles were switched and it was about you. For me if I say a black man getting chaced down by Mr. T in a candy apple red cadillac. And Mr. T had a blow horn and was yelling get a job!!!You fool! And right at the end it said get a job I did on monsters.com or something like that. Id say id be pretty offended but they shold still play it as long as its not ment to be offensive. So have I chanced my view? Ya I'm saying in a long round about way so I could tell you about my idea for a good comercial for monsters.com that...If you read this far I'm sorry I just draged you through that sentence. Ok add kicking in and...The gay people that were offened by the comercial have every right to be but take it as a joke because it was not ment to harm.
Is it just me or is it only white heterosexual males that don't get offended by the slightest joke about them?
Are you guys shitting me? I found it more offensive that Mr. T didn't run over that dude. What the ****. Mr. T is supposed to be like bad ass.