Castlevania: Asymmetrical map made using Foundry. Download here! This is a map designed for Infection, One sided VIP, and One Flag. It features a large 3 story castle located at one end of foundry, a wall to slow the advance of attackers, two ways to enter the castle, and a few hidden surprises. I promise you will like this map. I spent about 24 hours on it trying to make it seamless. If you liked the house map that was available to play during the infection weekend you will like this. Weapons: NO BR'S Spiker x 16 Mauler x3 Sword x1 Carine x4 Shotgun x1 Smg x2 Fusion Rod x2 Flame thrower x1 Turret x4 Trip Mine x4 I wanted to limit the use of human weapons to change things up a little bit. I also have a game variant that i am tweeking still called Kingslayer in my fileshare. I made it for this map, but I havent worked out the bugs yet. Basically I wanted to make lopsided teams of 4 v 10 or something similar. The variant is 1 sided vip where the vip has overshield x3 and if his teammates stand near him they receive overshields...I am still working out the kinks and I will add the variant when I get time. Thanks.
nice map, i love the interlocking. the design for the outer ring kinda reminds me of the design for the bases of my mlg map i uploaded here. looks like a lot of fun! 4/5
great job on the interlocking but when u take ur pics press y in theater it makes pics look better. nice map 5/5!
This looks like a pretty good castle, but you really have little information in your post. I would be nice if you could provide a list of weapons and some information about the gameplay. So many maps come here untested and it would be nice if you could give us a little more info please. Thanks and good job.
Nice map, and great job on interlocking.Only problem I have is the pics. When in theater mode go into flying camera (press y) 5/5
I just edited the post guys. Sorry I posted version 1 by accident. Version 1 was a little too easy to get into the castle so I removed 2 crates to make it more difficult. Sorry to those who already downloaded. Version 2 is much better. Again sorry, and thanks for your comments and feel free to let me know what you think. Also I forgot to mention I love the BR and so I didn't include any in this map to try and help me branch out....but when I have played this with friends I did a br start so...yea. Thanks again. StasioSC
looks nice for a first map, though there are tons of awsome maps out there without interlocking, make sure all of your maps have A LOT OF IT or the people here will eat you alive, but this looks nice, and i love secrets (secret passages i hope) keep it up, and make sure to keep the idea of interlocking, also, make more infection maps
may i ask why your man is in all of them couldn't you of pressed Y and then taken all the screen shots any wayz this is a really nice map i think it would have really good game play for infection, and KOTH would be good as well
Looks like a nice castle and looks like it would be fun with infection, it has nice interlocking and it looks clean and smooth. But on the outside of the castle I think you should do something about all hat emptiness.
verrry nice intarlokcing and very good map design it looks thought out and well preformed i can see infection but not really anything else
the map looks pretty good especially with the ring and same with the inside but you could have taken some more time on the actual structure
I think that CTF would work nicely but would be a little challenging for the attackers but still fun!
Yea I think you would have to play one flag CTF. The base is set up to be easily defended. One sided VIP is actually really fun if the attackers coordinate attack times.
looks really nicce and you spent some time on it but next time you take pics go into free cam so we dont see the gun or see the health or the gun redicule ok
Ya the interlocking is superb nad the layout and design of the map is superb. This map would be awesome for KOTH, CTF, Infection, or even Assualt! Nice job man! 5/5! Keep up the great maps!
The only thing that bothers me is that if you fall theres a lack of ways to get back up. : / other than that the maps cool.
Yea I was worried about that actually, but I decided if I made it too easy to get into the keep it wouldn't work as a infection variant. There might be a 3rd way into the castle but I will let you discover that.