This is my second uploaded video. Here it is. Pwning of Rooftops Video - Halo 3 Game - GameBattles Game Room Credit to the creator of Rooftops, it is the best map ever made. It is the only one I play.
Haha, those kids you were playing sucked, and one wasn't even playing, but i like the map for the most part
Yh It is a great map, the only one I can find myself playing these days. Oh and those were all adults.
Well theres this little guy I like to use called Search. He can be found on the top bar with all the links. Hit show threads and type Rooftops.
Yeh, the people you were playing werent that good. And you missed a lot of headshots and easy kills. The map looks awesome though
Could you use the shotgun a bit more jesus christ man. I stopped watching as soon as i saw you use it to kill. I dont want to watch people use shotgun.
i agree. After watching the first few shotgun kills i just closed it. I never use shotgun in shotty snipes. Just noscope for fun. Im sure you owned though, just never finishd the vid :lol:
hey i noticed that you press b to get into vehicles and pick up weapons, what stick layout do you use?