I actually used to play R6V2 alot, and was in gamebattles. I considered myself exceptionally good, better than the average player, and if my team had not ditched me for GTA4 (partly cause even though we were good, we weren't winning cause of A) weak links in our team B) We faced teams within the top 50, and still almost beat them) we could've made it top 100. I love strategic gameplay and that is why I like RV6, but I stopped playing, and once you stop it is hard to get into. But it is no where near good enough for GOTY. I am still set on MGS4 as the rightful owner of that title.
Well Halo 3 is game of the year and theres nothing changing that [like anything would change]. MGS4 is a close second along with COD4 now we can wait untill next year to see Gears 2 win Game of the year for 09. : ] Lets make it happen people pre order your gears copies now and we will finish Sony off with anouther crushing blow if we haven't done enough damage to them already! Oh the Halo series has gotten GOTY 3 years in a row!!! I can only hope that some time in 2010 that bungie will continue the franchise after Halo wars and make Halo one of the greatest game franchies of all time.. Possibly the Tactical shooter will be revealed by then or possibly anouther Halo themed game?? Time will only tell :]
Ugh, you are missing the point that I am doing this. I want to see why Halo 3 won. I agree, it is a great game, and I agree, nothing is changing it, but it does not mean we have to accept it. Everyone has jumped onto the "Oh, H3 sooo deserved it" but why? I wish to know.
Well it won by majority vote of Gamers votes that were taken before and during Gphoria and why Halo 3 won is because of the dedicated fanbase which has many unique reason why they think Halo 3 is GOTY. Ask anyone that plays Halo 3 theres something for every one everyone likes different things about the game and thats how they voted. Is that clearer for you?
If gta4 has some kind of recognition then saints row 2 better. Gta4 sucked and saints row 2 already looks better. How did Gta4 win multiplayer of the year? It has a horrible system that you need like THOUSANDS of dollars to level up and if anyone disagrees I'll go on.