Map Title: Around The Sun This is version 2 of his track. Once you spawn, hop on one of 8 mongeese at the beginning and prepare for the ride of your life. After the mancannons propel you back into the map, continue up the ramp of the draw bridge and continue off the other side of the bridge. After taking a stretch of track that has been dubbed great for power-slides, you will come up to the best loop ever published. Take it however you want. You will not even feel your controller as you are propelled up and back down the loop in a seemless process. After comleting the loop, the track drives you over the cliff edge. The barrier will slow you down no matter how fast you are speeding. Take the bridge, cross the checkpoint, and the you are propelled back into the map. Follow the rest of the track until you get back to the draw bridge... Enjoy Pics [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] [img width=800 height=600][/img] Try My Other Tracks!!! Texas Giant (3500 downloads) Back From Space (1000 downloads) Feedback: Please, if you are going to rate this leave a post below describing why you rated what you rated. If I can get a bunch of comments it will make future maps of mine better and better. You can also submit some ideas for my next track. Thank You! Gametype location: Join our RaceTracks Group Review by Bilbo24 Pros: - This map is well put together, hard to get lost on, fast, fun, and fluent. I never fell off and never got lost! - The jump onto the bridge in the middle of the loop was great. The grav lift really helps slow you down so you don't go flying. - The loop was A-MAZE-ING!!! I never fell off it and always had a perfect run on it. - The shield doors on the jump off the map were very well placed. Cons: - When you spawn, it's easy to fall off the map. Suggestions: - Put a bridge, double box, or fence box behind the spawn so you can't fall easily. Final Thoughts: Fast map with plenty of jumps and an awesome loop. Keeps you racing for many, many laps. Final Rating: 5/5 Difficulty: In Between Easy and Medium.
Re: Racetrack "Around The Sun" on Standoff If it is so easy of a track how would there be any competition if you can't fall off? Is this just something to mess around in or something?
Re: Racetrack "Around The Sun" on Standoff Its a full blown circuit track. The reviewer is new to our group. When you spawn, you have an instinct to go a certain direction when you spawn. I guess he goes back, idk why. But I've never had anyone fall off during a match. But anyways, its a good track with the best loop ever made
I've played this. The loop is amazing, I was playing it in forge with some friends and I tried to delete parts of it to make them fall off, I deleted 3/4 of the loop and they still made it perfectly. Great map.
4/5 looks great, but you might want to spend a little more time making it look a little "cleaner" or at least less blocky. Overall great job.
Looks confusing from the screenshots but I guess I'll have to give it a try in order to navigate where I am going. Good work.
Have you ever tried it? Why does it matter if its blocky or not? If I wanted a less blocky loop I would have made it smaller, but then it wouldnt be as cool. Its made to work, not look pretty, but hey, thats your feedback. Dont take this reply in the wrong way. I dont blame you. Its good to have hard critics, but really, I see no reason for it to look circular. But thanks anyways
Another Race masterpeice this is great it's as if you took some of my ideas and put them on to a map ... wish i had the heric map pack to do this tho.. played at my freinds tho and it's fabulous Keep up the great work!
It appears that you value your own opinion more than anyone else's, but I believe he's just wondering why you skimped on the aesthetics of the loop. If being more precise with the placement of your double boxes would have caused the loop to perform worse, then I think you did the right thing in placing them how they are now. If it wouldn't have affected the performance, however, it would just be that much more impressive when somebody looked at it. People simply tend to notice the little things about maps.
Read, I clearly stated that it wouldnt have worked if I made it rounder. I think thats just pickyness, and what, so I cant reply to feedback on my map?
The only clear statement you made about not changing it was "I see no reason for it to look circular." You did say that you made it to work well, not to look pretty, but you didn't state that they're mutually exclusive. In any event, you can treat your feedback however you want--it just seemed odd that you were so defensive over the slightest criticism.
This is my all-time favorite racetrack on standoff! ever! Keep up the good work! ~One of your racetrack testers: Ice Masta Alex/Frozenghost001